Yuddha praveena yoga
Definition.-If the lord of the navamsa joined by the planet who owns the navamsa in which the 3rd lord is placed, joins his own vargas, the above yoga is caused.
Results.-The person becomes a capable strategist and an expert in warfare.
Remarks.-The combination is a bit round about. First, the 3rd lord is placed in some navamsa; second, the owner of this navamsa has joined some other
navamsa. The lord of this navamsa should occupy his own shadvargas. Suppose Lagna is Aquarius, and Mars and the Sun are in Leo and Sagittarius navamsa. Then, the lord of the 3rd being Mars occupies Leo; the lord of this navamsa, viz., the Sun is in Sagittarius. The lord of this, viz., Jupiter should be in his own Varga. When the planets are situated as above, then the person will be a clever strategist and he will have the knack to give battles in such a way as to overcome the resistance offered by the enemy without much bloodshed. In this connection the horoscopes of great military commanders may be studied with advantage.