Now the section on Delivery
386- 388. According to Yavana: (a) It is said that the child will be born in the absence of the father (i.e. father will not be present in the place of birth) when the Moon does not aspect the ascendant.
(b) If the Sun is in a movable sign identical with the 8th or the 9th from the ascendant, the same is the result.
(c) The author adds that the Moon not aspecting the ascendant hints at the father being in the town: In case of the combination involving the Sun, it is to be understood, the father would be in a foreign (or distant) land at the time of birth. Here also the Moon should not aspect the ascendant. For sage Suka enjoins as under.
(d) Sage Suka: The. Sun in a movable sign which is identical with the 8th or 9th from the ascendant denotes father’s being in a foreign land, provided
the ascendant is unaspected by the Moon.
(e) Saturn in the ascendant while Mars is in the 7th, or the Moon placed between the Sun and Mars denotes that the father would be in a distant land at the time of
389 -391. From Suka Jataka: Following are based upon the authority of Suka Jataka.
(a) In case of day birth, the Sun aspected by Mars, and in case of night birth Saturn aspected by Mars, denote absence of father in the place of delivery.
(b) The father would be dead in a foreign land in case the Sun and Saturn are (together) in a movable sign in aspect to’ or in the company of Mars.
(c) The father will be in grief at the time of birth of the child if two malefics are in the 4th and 9th while the lord of the ascendant is bereft of strength.
(d) The mother will incur grief if a malefic is in the 8th or 12th.
392-395. (a) The father of the child will incur disease (following the child’s birth) if Saturn is in aspect to Mars/Sun; and is in the Navamsa of the Sun.
(b) Should Jupiter be in debility, and the Moon be in the junctions of two signs as benefics are conjunct malefics, the native will be either a dunce or dumb.
(c) Malefics in a fixed sign identical with the 5th, 7th and 9th from the Sun and in aspect to malefics denote that the father would be in confinement in the native land. If the sign in question is movable, the confinement would be in a foreign land and if dual sign, confinement would be on the way.
(d) Bala Bhadra comments that in the combination at “c”, the 5th, 7th or the 9th, as the case may be, containing malefics, should be owned by a malefic. The significance is to the ownership by a malefic, of the 5th & C from the Sun, and not to the aspect of malefics. For Varaha Mihira states the following.
(e) Note the 5th, 7th or 9th from the Sun being owned by a malefic in which two malefics should be placed. As a result, the native’s father would be in confinement. Depending on the sign the Sun is in – movable etc. – the confinement being in foreign land, native land or en route should” as the case may be, be declared.
(f) In this context, Varaha Mihira also uses a dual number to denote Rahu and Ketu. In respect of the earlier statement of Suka Jataka also the plural number (denoting more than two dual number distinct in Sanskrit texts) takes into consideration Rahu and Ketu.
Notes: (a) This Yoga can applied to diseases of father during the native’s childhood. Saturn aspected by Mars/Sun and occupying Leo Navamsa will cause diseases to the
father during the early days of the child.
(b) Jupiter is required to be within 5° of Capricorn while the Moon is in the 30th degree or the very first degree of a sign. The other two benefics, viz. Mercury and Venus should be in union with malefics. Then the said Yoga is formed. When this Yoga is available in the birth horoscope of a person, he will be either a dunce or be
(c) The placement of malefics with reference to the Sun is only in either 5th or 7th or 9th for the nature of the sign is specified, as movable, fixed and common. For example, if the 5th from a given place is a movable sign, the other two in order are movable and fixed signs. The combination given by Varaha Mihira is of course quite different from the present one.
- Kind of Birth: It is stated in Saravali that birth will be with head first if the ascendant is a Seershodaya sign, with legs first if it be a prishtodaya sign, and with hands first if it be the Ubhayodaya sign (i.e. Pisces).
- Specialties quoted from Garga Jataka: If shoulders are sighted firstly, the birth should be treated as having occurred with head first. Knees being sighted at first equals to birth with legs first. If firstly the wrist is seen, it is birth with hands first.
- Difficult Birth: According to Maniththa, if the lords of natal ascendant and Navamsa ascendant are retrograde and are in the natal ascendant, predict that the birth would be a difficult one.
Notes: The planets required to be in retrogression are the following two: - 1. Lord of the natal ascendant.
2. Lord of the Navamsa ascendant. The rest is clear from the text.
409. If the 7th and the trines, viz. the 5th and the 9th are occupied by malefIcs, it then indicates that the delivery will note a happy one. BenefIcs in the 10th and the 4th will bring lI1uch wealth (for the family).
410 – 411. Difficulties & Death of Mother: (a) The Moon in the company of malefics in the 4th or the 7th will be the cause of difficulties to the mother at the time of
(b) Malefics in the 7th from the Moon will kill the mother (early). An alternative version adds the condition of aspect of Mars on the said malefics.
(c) The Sun in the company of malefics and placed in the 10th from the Moon will also hasten the end of the mother.
(d) The 5th place from that of Venus being occupied or aspected by Saturn will also cause the same effect.
412. Child’s Abandonment : Mars and Saturn in union in the 5th or the 9th from the sign occupied by the Moon at birth will lead to the child being abandoned by its mother. If this combination is aspected by Jupiter, the abandoned child will, however, be endowed with happiness and longevity (but be elsewhere).
The author comments: In this combination, Mars and Saturn should join in one sign. (That is, only in conjunction they complete the combination, and not singly.) For Samudra Jataka also states, Mars and Saturn in one place, in a trine counted from the Moon, cause the mother to abandon the child.
413. Death of Mother: In case of night birth, Saturn in the 5th or the 9th from the Moon and in aspect to a malefic will hasten the death of mother. If birth be during day time, then it will be as Mars with the aspect of a malefic is in the 9th or the 5th counted from Venus.
414 – 417. (a) With the Moon in the ascendant with the aspect of malefics as Mars is in the 7th thereof, the abandoned child will die.
(b) So also when the Moon is in the ascendant with malefic aspects as Mars and Saturn are in the 7th or the 11th.
(c) The author comments that as for the second combination, the abandoned child will only die. For it is stated as under in Samudra Jataka also.
(d) Samudra Jataka: The Moon occupying .the ascendant as Mars and Saturn are in the 7th or 11th will only kill the abandoned child.
(e) In respect of these two combinations, see if there is a benefic’s aspect on the Moon. If so, instead of quitting the world, the child will be nurtured by a person belonging to the caste commensurate with the description of the aspecting planet. If, however, the aspect on the said Moon be from both benefics and malefics, the child will just die.
(f) The author suggests that in respect of the two combinations, benefic’s aspect will allow redemption of the child by a Brahmin etc. befitting the aspecting planet.
For Bhaunia Jattika stipulates as under
(g) Bhauma Jataka: In the combinations relating to the abandonment of the child by the mother, the guardian’s caste will correspond to the -benefic aspecting the Moon.
418 – 419. (a) The author adds that the aspects being from a benefic as well as a -malefic will cause the death of the child.
(b) Saturn and Mars joining in any sign, but be getting one and the same Navamsa will lead to the mother abandoning the child.
(c) In all these combinations, Jupiter aspecting the Moon denotes that the child will survive after being reacued by men of all (various) castes.
(d) If Mars is in the 7th in aspect to Saturn, the mother will surely abandon the child. (That is, there will be no redeeming features.)
420. Qualities of the Child: (a) If a benefic aspects the ascendant or the Moon, the’ native will acquire the qualities corresponding to that benefic.
(b) Should the Sun be strong at birth, the child will be akin to his father in disposition-and if by the Moon akin to mother.
421 – 423. Entwined in Umbilical Cord: (a) Should the, ascendant be one of Leo” Aries and Taurus which is occupied by Mars or Saturn, birth will be with umbilical cord entwined around. The limb concerned will correspond to the one owned by Time Personified as indicated by the rising Navamsa.
(b) The author clarities that the “Navamsa rising in the ascendant should be identified which will denote a certain limb of the Time Personified. That limb will be the one to be entwined by umbilical cord.
(c) Twins: The Sun should be in a-quadruped sign while all the other planets are in strength in biped signs. As a result, there, will be birth of twins in a sheath.
(d) Snake-bound Birth: Sage Garga stipulates that the Moon should he in a decanate owned by Mars. Or the ascendant should contain a malefic and rise in a decanate owned by Mars. Let anyone of these two combinations exist, it must be supported, by benefics who should he in the 2nd and 11th. As it result, birth of a snake-bound child should be declared.