545 – 547. The Moon in a Navamsa of Mars: (a) If the Moon is in a Navamsa of Mars (i.e. Aries or Scorpio Navamsa) with the aspect of Mars, the person will be devoid of speaking powers, and be fierce.
(b) If by Saturn, he will be highly cunning, fierce and a promoter of strife.
(c) If by the Sun, he will destroy base ‘men, will protect others and be heroic in disposition.
(d) If by Jupiter, he will be lord of men, famous, scholar and worthy of worship.
(e) If by Venus, he will be a king’s minister, endowed with wealth and fond women and perfumes.
(f) If by Mercury, he will be heroic, will achieve quick fame, be fickle-minded and be charming in appearance.
Notes: This portion deals with Navamsa positions.
Although the words” Amsa”, “Bhaaga” etc. allow a free interpretation to mean any division (or a degree of longitude), Navamsa is the right interpretation in the present context. The reader will find specific references to Dvadasamsa and many other divisions in the ensuing pages.
Aspects between two heavenly bodies are formed by their longitudes and are hence to be seen only in the Rasi diagram and not in other divisional diagrams.
The aspected planet should be in specified Navamsa in aspect to a given planet in terms of longitude in the Rasi chart.
Example: Moon in the sign Capricorn 11th degree while the Sun is in the sign Cancer. The Moon thus is in Aries Navamsa and receives the Sun’s aspect.