178 . 179. If a planet is in the sub-state of “Drishti”, the results will be limited. In “Cheshta, the results will be full and in “Vicheshta” nil. In deciding the auspicious and inauspicious effects, a planet’s strength or weakness, as above, should be known. If the planet is exalted, it is specially strong, i.e. its effects due to Avastha will be specially notable.
Notes: After arriving at the Avasta concerned, these three sub-states should.be calculated.
Even if a planet indicates auspicious effects with a favourable Avasta, if it is in “Vicheshta” the same will not materialise. If it gets the sub-state of “Cheshta”, these auspicious effects will come to fore in full measure. “Drishti” restricts the auspicious effects.
With a favourable Avasta, if a planet is in exaltation, more auspicious effects will follow. In debility, good effects will get reduced.
If in debilitation, the bad effects of an unfavourable Avasta will increase. A planet in exaltation but with an unfavourable Avasta will be moderate.
A planet with bad indications due to a certain Avasta will suitably improve. In Cheshta, evil effects will be less. In Drishti, the bad effects will be clearly felt.
These are general guidelines while the effects of good and bad Avastas depend on houses also. Sometimes, a malefic with a bad Avasta and in dignity, can give excellent results due to a certain house. All these must be well remembered.
180 -182. Special Effects. 7th House: (a) A malefic in the 7th house in Nidra Avasta will produce auspicious effects concerning the 7th house. But if he is aspected by another malefic, there will be never good effects.
(b) In the same Avasta, a malefic planet in the 7th house which is an inimical sign will cause early death of all his spouses (in case of repeated marriages), provided it is aspected by an enemy. If the said malefic is in the process aspected by or conjoined with a benefic, the first spouse will in particular be endangered.
183 – 185. Special Effects. 5th house: (a) It will be auspicious for a malefic to be in the 5th house in Nidra or Sayana Avasta. There is no need for a second thought in this case.
(b) But if the said malefic in the 5th house in Nidra or Sayana Avasta is exalted, or in own sign, or in Moola trikona, the auspiciousness will doubtlessly be destroyed.
(c) A benefic in the 5th house in Nidra or Sayana Avasta and in aspect to another benefic, will surely cause untimely end of the first issue of the subject.
186 -189. Special Effects – 8th Bouse: (a) A malefic in the house of death, viz. the 8th house, in Nidra or Sayana Avasta will cause untimely end of the subject through royal punishment or enemies.
(b) A malefic in the 8th house in Nidra or Sayana Avasta with an aspect of a benefic, will bring about the said end in the river Ganges (i.e. through a sacred river).
(c) If the aspect is from a malefic, instead of a benefic, the end will occur by severance of head.
(d) Saturn, Mars or Rahu in the 8th house in Nidra or Sayana Avasta will also cause death by severance of head.
190 -192. S special Effects – 10th House: (a) A malefic in the 10th house in Sayana or Bhojana vasta will make the person wander all over the earth out of dire poverty.
(b) A benefic in the 10th house in Nidra or Gamana Avasta will cause various kinds of grief related to work.
(c) The Moon in the 10th house in Kautuka or Prakasana Avasta will bestow royal status, according to sages.
193-196. General: (a) The wise should thus analyse the effects of the various houses. This has been stated by sages who would declare auspicious and inauspicious effects only after evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the planets concerned.
(b) I now narrate the subtleties involved in Sayana and other Avastas. Benefics in Sayana and other Avastas will cause auspicious results concerning that particular house in which they are placed. Malefics in Bhojana and other Avastas will ever cause all-round destruction of the house concerned.
Notes: (a) In using this instruction, whatever has so far been stated should be well remembered including the dignities of the planets. Some guidelines are:
– the planet’s nature, being a malefic or a benefic;
– its particular Avasta;
– its status in a given sign;
– its general strength or weakness;
– its relation with its dipositor and associate by five-fold terms (Panchdha Sambandha).
– the aspect and association it enjoys; and
– the house involved.
(b) “Sayana and other Avastas” indicate the first 8 Avastas from Sayana through Aagamana. “BhoJana and other Avastas” denote the last 4 Avastas from Bhojana through Nidra.