Now the chapter on Impregnation.
191-193. As per Yavanas: (a) There is a similarity in Adhana and Prasna or horary (that is identical considerations in relevant areas can be made in these two cases). To ascertain such similarities various wonderful combinations are now enlisted which help describe the person (or his life’s events).
(b) If the ascendant is without a benefic’s aspect but with that of debilitited Saturn, the person is born of other’s loins.
(c) Should the Sun be strong (in terms of Shadbala), his birth follows copulation in day time.
(d) In case of illegal birth, if the planet aspecting the ascendant is debilitated Mars, the father of the child belongs to trading community. If it be the declining Moon, the person in question will be a king (or one of royal chin). Mercury in the 7th (or Mercury in combustion) in this context denotes a Brahmin. If it be all the planets that aspect the ascendant, birth will be through a foreigner (or of different orthodoxy).
Notes: The instructions given in this chapter are Interchangeable between a sincere query and natal horoscope. Some are however applicable to the period upto the time of birth only.
A caution is however necessary in applying the combinations for illegal births in particular. Only after taking the number of valid combinations causing illegal births, and those that cancel these Yogas, should a conclusion drawn.
The birth horoscope has inseparable links with Adhana horoscope. Adhana horoscope means the one cast for the particular coition that led to the formation of foetus. Since Adhana horoscope is not always possible to be obtained, the birth horoscope reflects the influences of planets on the native. Naturally, chosen births only disturb such knowledge but do not alter the course of fate as such. Adhanais like a negative print of a photograph, and birth horoscope is its positive print. By bringing forth changes in the positive print, facts of the photographed object are not going to change.
194 – 195. (a) If a majority of planets be in debility at the time of birth, (or Adhana or query), the person will face his end (early).
(b) Two planets in debility will produce physical deformity.
(c) If the lord of the ascendant is in a quadruped sign, the child’s appearance will be akin to that of a quadruped. (Similarly, for other kinds of signs.)
(d) Should the lord of the ascendant, without losing his rays, be in a masculine sign, the disposition of the person at the time of union will be manly. If the sign involved is an insect sign (Cancer or Scorpio) the disposition will be contrary to this.
(e) The quality of union should be declared after examining the planet in the 7th house
(a) If the ascendant is unaspected by the Sun, the copulation would be in darkness.
(b) The Sun in the north (i.e. the 4th house), with own Navamsa, denotes that the copulation would be in day time.
(c) If the ascendant is unaspected by any planet, the copulation would be in a forest area.
(d) Ascendant being a watery sign denotes copulation in a watery place.
(e) The Moon in the 7th, the Sun in the ascendant, and Mars in the. 12th indicate copulation at twilight.
(f) Saturn in aspect to the ascendant would cause copulation in an elevated place tor land).
(g) The disposition prevailing at the time of union could be ascertained with the help of the planet aspecting the ascendant, thus Jupiter – under cool or pleasant
weather or with coolness of disposition and with endless and great impetuousness; Venus with attachment; the Moon – with burning desires, and Mercury for a very long duration.
199- 208. Pregnancy Developments: (a) The lord of the 1st month is Venus during which time the ovum and sperm unite. The female’s appearance, desire, strength, splendour and possibility of destruction of pregnancy, and the expected developments during the first month should best mated through (transit) Venus.
(b) Mars is the ruler of the 2nd month during which time the foetus hardens. Developments related to 2nd month should be studied through (transit) Mars.
(c) With Jupiter ruling the 3rd month, limbs like hand, legs, face and neck sprout. Effects related to 3rd month should be understood through (transit) Jupiter.
(d) The child acquires bones, narrow, flesh and blood under the rulership of the Sun in the 4th month, and the related developments should be known through (transit) Sun.
(e) Saturn is the ruler of the 5th month giving shape and form to the child and strength to pregnancy.
(f) The 6th month’s rule!’ is the Moon during which time hair and nails form.
(g) Mercury ruling the 7th month activates the five sensory organs and the child becomes conscious to such queries, “Who am I”, “From where I came into this womb?”
(h) The lord of the ascendant becomes the lord of the 8th month during which time the child starts satisfying its hunger and thirst through the articles consumed by its mother.
(i) The Moon becomes the lord of the 9th month and the child gets dejected of its stay in the womb and intensely recalls the good arid bad deeds of past birth.
(j) The 10th month is ruled by the Sun who brings the child out of the womb. The Moon in 12th and Mars in the 8th – both counted from the Sun – will cause premature delivery.
(k) Abortion (or loss/miscarriage) may take place if the Moon and Mars are placed in the 12th and 8th in order from the Sun in Adhana horoscope.
(l) Abortion (or loss of pregnancy) may occur in the month ruled by a planet that is bereft of strength.
Notes: Also see slokas 320 – 341 of this chapter for further information.
209 – 210. Male Child: If all the planets occupy the 5th, 6th, 2ndand 3rd from the Adhana ascendant, delivery will be after the 10th month. In this case, the birth will be of a male child, not of a female child. The various obstacles during pregnancy are to be foretold based on the other combinations involving the Sun.
211. Male, Female or Hermaphrodite: (a) should the ascend.ant and its Navamsa fall in the signs ruled by a hermaphrodite planet (I.e. Mercury or Saturn), birth of a hermaphrodite be foretold.
(b) If the ascendant as well as its Navamsa belong to a male planet, birth of a male child will occur.
(c) Similarly female sign ascending with Navamsa of a female planet leads to acquisition of a female child.
These peculiarities should be remembered.
Notes: Also see sloka 218 infra.
212. Child’s Qualities: The lord of Navainsa ascendant should be in a concordant angle from the ascendant and aspect it. Then the child will acquire qualities due to the lord of the N 8vamsa ascendant.
Notes: The lord of the Navamsa ascendant at the time of impregnation should be in an angle from the Adhana Lagna in the Rasi chart and aspect the sign identical with
the Navamsa ascendant.
Example: Say Scorpio 25 is Adhana ascendant in which case the Navamsa ascendant is Aquarius. Safurn, the lord of Navamsa ascendant may be in Taurus, a friendly angle.
Thus Saturn aspects the sign Aquarius equal to Navamsa ascendant. As a result, the child in the womb will acquire Saturn’s qualities. Since the term concordant” is used, the result will only be positive. Negative traits of Saturn will not be seen in the child.
213. Male Child: Malefics in the 3rd and 7th and benefics in.2nd, 5th and 9th in aspect to the trio – the Moon, Jupiter and Mercury will cause birth of a male child.
214. Parents’ Death: Mars and Saturn in the 7th from the Sun at the time of Adhana will cause death of the father. Similar combination with reference to the Moon will cause the exit of the mother.
215. Dange to Parents: If the 12th, 8th and 4th counted from the Adhana ascendant are in order occupied by the Moon, the Sun and Mars, both the mother and father will die due to weapons. Saturn replacing Mars in this combination will lead to death by confinement.
216 – 217. Ineffective: (a) With the Moon in the 12th while the 4th has Saturn in the company of Mars, predict no conception. If, however, this combination is in aspect to or in association with a benefic, possibility of the female conceiving- will exist.
(b) The Sun and Mars in Adhana ascendant, and weak Moon in the 4th make the copulation futile i.e. conception will not occur.
(c) Three or four planets in debility at the time of copulation do not lead to conception.
218. Hermapbrodite: The-ascendant being a sign ruled by ahermaphrodite planet (viz. being one of Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius) with Mercury and Saturn in 5th or 12th will. cause birth of a hermaphrodite. However if this combination is aspected by a benefic, the child will reflect the appearance of that benefic planet; (that is, the child will still be a hermaphrodite but will acquire appearance suitable to the aspecting benefic).
219. Conception: lf the 7th from the ascendant contains Saturn with Mars or the Sun there is no possibility of the copulation leading to conception. However, the combination is complete with only Jupiter or Venus getting associated (by occupation) with the said ascendant.
220. (a) The 10th occupied by Venus, and a trine by both Jupiter and the Moon – this combination will permit conception.
(b) The ascendant obtaining a Navamsa of Mercury will also lead to the same effect.
221- 222. Birth of a Male Child: (a) Venus and the Sun together in the 3rd or 7th while the 11th contains Saturn indicate birth of a male child.
(b) The 5th or 9th having exalted Jupiter also indicates the same result.
(c) The Sun, Mars and Saturn in the divisions of male planets, or the three in the ascendant or the Moon in exaltation in the 10th and in aspect to Venus each of this combination indicates, birth of a male child.
223 – 224 Hermaphrodite: (a) The ascendant, being one of Aquarius, Gemini and Virgo, in occupation by Mercury and Saturn will cause birth of a hermaphrodite.
(b) When one of the three said signs ascends, or the 5th (from any ascendant) obtaining a hermaphrodite planet’s divisions will also lead to the same effect.
(c) Male Child etc.: Again in case of one of the three signs mentioned being the ascendant, with a Navamsa ruled by a male planet, and the aid Navamsa occupied by a benefic planet including Mercury, predict that the child in the womb will resemble the planet concerned.
(d) Should the said Navamsa ascendant (as at “c” above) be with a malefic, predict that there will be no child in the womb, or it will be a hermaphrodite.
225 – 226. Female Child: Each one of the following three combinations will lead to birth of a female child.
(a) The ascendant being a feminine sign with the Moon placed therein and Venus is in the 10th.
(b) Jupiter should be in the company of Saturn as Mars, being in aspect to the Moon, has mars own divisions.
(c) The Moon in an even sign ill aspect to Jupiter or Venus.
Male Child: Saturn in the divisions of the Sun: will cause birth of a son.
227 – 228. Number of Children: (a) The Moon in a dual sign, Mercury in the 2nd (Sva = 2nd, and not own sign in this case) and Saturn in the 11th denote birth of twins.”
(b) The Moon in a dual sign in aspect to Mercury will cause birth of two female babies.
(c) With Mercury in the 6th, Saturn and the Moon in the ascendant, Venus in the 7th, and the Sun in the 8th without the company of a benefic, predict that these sons will be born in the expected delivery. In this yoga, if Saturn and Moon are replaced by Mars (i.e. Mars in ascendant instead of Saturn and the Moon), three female babies will follow. This yoga having the Sun in ascendant and Saturn in the 8th will cause birth of three hermaphrodites.
Thus ends the portion (in chapter 1) dealing with Yavanas’ views on Adhana.