Bhratruvriddhi Yoga
Definition.–The 3rd lord, or Mars, or the 3rd house should be joined or aspected by benefics and otherwise strong.
Results.-The person will be happy on account of his brothers who will attain great piosperity.
Remarks.-Children of the same parents would be brothers and sisters when young. As they grow up, sometimes they become enemies. There may be noble exceptions but as a general rule one would hardly come across
brothers and sisters amongst whom cordial relations exist. Quarrels arise on account of petty things and they assume serious proportions. To have brothers and sisters and to be happy with them is indeed a fortune. Generally speaking, the 3rd lord should not occupy malefic vargas and particularly those of Mars. If, however, Mars becomes the lord of the 3rd, the stigma loses its sting considerably. Having brothers is different from living cordially with them. When the Bhava has inherent strength the subject will have brothers, but when the Bhava has a number of evil
vargas, the brothers will be a source of annoyance.