Defnition.-The lords of Aroodha Lagna and Aroodha Dwadasa should be in conjunction.
Results.-The subject will suffer a fall from high position.
Remarks.-Most astrologers pay attention to Raja Yogas and Dhana Yogas and hardly take into account combinations which either act as breaks to
the functioning of Raja Yogas or completely neutralise the Raja Yogas with the result horoscope judgments invariably go wrong. When Raja Yogas are
really more powerful than Rajabhanga Yogas, then alone the former could function. Aroodha Lagna is the sign arrived at by counting as many signs from Lagnadhipathi as the Lagnadhipathi is removed from Lagna. Similarly, Aroodha Dwadasa Rasi is as many signs away from the 12th lord as the 12th lord is from the 12th house. Supposing L agna is Aries and the lord Mars is in Leo. Then the 5th from Leo, viz., Sagittarius would be Aroodha Lagna. Likervise if the 12th is Pisces; and the 12th lord, viz., Jupiter is in Taurus (the 3rd from 12th), then the Dwadasarudha would be Cancer, the 3rd from the 12th lord. In a horoscope, where Lagna is Aries and Lagnadhipathi is in Leo and the 12th lord Jupiter is in Gemini, Lagnarudha would be Sagittarius and Dwadasarudha would be Virgo. Conjunction between these two lords, viz., Mercury and Jupiter would result in a
Rajabhrashta yoga.