Gandharva Yoga
Definition.-If the 10th lord is in a Kama Thrikona, the lord of Lagna and Jupiter are in association, the Sun being strong, is exalted and the Moon
Occupies the 9th, Gandharva Yoga arises.
Results.–The person will attain unparalleled skill in fine arts, will be strong, will be pleasure loving, will be well-dressed, will become famous and will live upto 68 years.
Remarks.-Gandharva Yoga as the name implies
makes one a connoisseur in fine arts such as music, dancing, painting, etc. Kama Thrikona means the trinal houses from the 7th, viz., 7th, 11th and 3rd. The 10th lord must occupy one of these houses in conjunction with Jupiter, the Sun being strong should be exalted and the Moon should remain in the 9th house.I f all these conditions are present, then the Yoga will be in full swing. Otherwise, a trace of the Yoga may be present rendering the person take some interest in these arts, but not make him an