Now from the Chapter on Impregnation from Saravali.
273. The effects of signs etc. (i.e. dispositions of the various planets in a nativity) can hardly be understood without knowing of the time of origin for that is the reason of existence of all living beings. Following instructions relate to Adhana.
Notes: “Adhana” means “to impregnate”. In other words, it refers to the particular sexual union that causes pregnancy. According to Hindu Sastras, at the time of the
relevant union, the soul enters the womb of the mother to take birth in a new mortal coil at an appropriate time. Importance in astrological literature is given to the moment of the couple’s union, rather than to the formation of foetus. And the formation of a foetus is not a moment’s process.
274. Monthly Course: From the Moon sign of a female, transit Moon in a non-Upachaya house (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 4, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th or 12th) in aspect to Mars causes her monthly course.
This is the view held by many preceptors. The menstruation so occurring will be conducive to the growth of the family lineage.
275. The Moon is water while Mars is fire. Blood is produced from water, and bile from fire. When bile stirs up blood, the woman’s menses appear.
276. Menstruation occurring in this manner (followed by a timely union) becomes the cause of pregnancy in a woman. When her monthly course takes place with the transit Moon in an Upachaya house (3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th), that particular month does not help conception.
The author comments that the transit Moon in a non ¬Upachaya house (i.e. other than 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th) from her natal Moon aspected by Mars at the time of monthly menstruation will enable her conceive. But this will not apply to old women, barren or sickly women and the like, for Badarayana stipulates as under.
277. According to Badarayana: With reference to the natal Moon of a female, note the transit Moon in a non Upachaya place in aspect to Mars at the time of her monthly course. Only such a month will be fit for conception, provided she is not barren, not old (i.e. one with me no-pause), not sickly, or is under-aged (Le. without puberty).
Notes: “At the time of monthly course” means the 4th day after the female’s monthly menstruation, after the disappearance of menstrual flow vide sloka 281 – 282 infra.
278. Possibility of conception exists in the case of a union where the transit Moon is in an Upachaya Rasi of the male. The said Moon should be in aspect to Jupiter or to a friendly planet or especially to Venus.
279 – 280. (a) Depending on the aspects of the various planets on the Moon, at the time of her obtaining puberty, the female’s union with the kind of male can be declared thus. Mars aspecting – a voluptuary; Mercury – a fickle-minded person; Venus – a charming person; the Sun – a member of royalty; Saturn – a servant. For materialization of full effects cited, the Moon should have the exclusive aspect of the relevant planet and unaspected by another planet.
(b) lf the Moon at that time be in aspect to all the malefics, who are not in their own signs, the girl ‘will abandon her home and becomes a prostitute.
(c) The concept of a man’s union resulting in pregnancy shall apply only when the transit Moon is in an Upachaya house in aspect to Jupiter (of the male concerned).
281 – 282. (a) For sage Badarayana has declared in his exposition that at the time of union, the transit Moon in an Upachaya house in aspect to Jupiter with reference to the male’s natal Moon will allow the fruition of pregnancy. If Jupiter does not aspect the Moon, the union will not contribute to conception.
(b) Here, the question of the transit Moon being in an appropriate place for the male and female in order should be considered only after the fourth day of the monthly course of the woman. For preceptor Maniththa states that consideration of the transit Moon should be done only after the disappearance of menstrual flow. Such Moon in
aspect to strong Jupiter will enable conception following a union.
Bala Bhadra Comments: A genuine doubt may arise in this context. Based on the verse quoted from Saravali, the Moon aspected by Venus will cause the union of a female with her husband, while the aspect by other planets will cause her union with men of royalty & C. For a virtuous woman, such a combination is inadmissible to be effective. In such a case, the aspect of the relevant planet means that the husband of the female will have a disposition of the person prescribed. Here the term “prostitute” displays a state of shamelessness. (That is Bala Bhadra does not agree with the view of a female becoming a prostitute even if all malefics aspect the Moen as stated earlier.)
283 – 285. Relevant Disposition: (a) The union will correspond to the nature of the living being, viz. biped etc. depending on the 7th house counted from the ascendant prevailing at the time of the union.
(b) Should the 7th be in aspect to or in association with a malefic, the union will be marked by anger and belligerence. If the said association be with a benefic planet, the union will be a pleasant one as laid down by sage Vatsyayana in his relevant treatise. The union will be of a mixed nature if the 7th is associated with both malefics and benefics.
(c) According to the will of destiny, at the time of union, the sperm of the male falls into the womb of the woman to associate with the ovum.
286. Possibility of Conception: At the time of union, the male’s Sun and Venus occupying Upachaya houses with own Navamsa positions and the female’s Mars and Moon occupying similar houses with own Navamsas will promote the chance of conception.
Bala Bhadra Comments: These conditions are logical. The Sun being a male planet increases the manliness (Le. virility) while Venus in an Upachaya house (that of prosperity) promotes the potence of semen (Le. virility of the male). Hence the Sun and Venus in Upachaya houses are favourable for the male.
Mars is the signifcator of blood. His strength being in Upachaya causes potence of blood. The Moon is a female planet whose strength is an essential for the female.
This kind of strong, placements of male and female planets l1li are conducive to proper union of sperm and ovum in order that pregnancy is achieved.
In this context, the commentator of Samudra Jataka, has abandoned the Moon signs of the male and female concerned. Instead, he considered male signs like Aries, and female signs like Taurus. This is improper. Sukra Jataka confirms this clearly, as under.
287 – 288. As per Sukra Jataka: (a) At the time of impregnation, the male should have the Sun and Venus in Upachaya places with their own Navamsas while the female should have the exceedingly strong Moon and Mars with similar dignities.
(b) If at the time of impregnation, the 5th having a weak malefic, or the 5th lord in combustion or in debility denies pregnancy.
Notes: (a) This view is the same as laid down earlier except that “exceeding strength” is specified for the duo, Mars and the Moon.
(b) The 5th house and its lord referred to are with reference to the nativities of the male and female.
289. On the, authority of Saravali, pregnancy is possible if Venus, the Sun, the Moon and Mars are strong in Upachaya houses with their own Navamsa positions or strong Jupiter is in the 1st, 5th or 9th.
290. The child in the womb will acquire such qualities as prevailing in the couple at the time, of the union, viz. their dispositions, and variances of the humours – phlegm etc.
291. According to Surya Jataka: These combinations should be understood as applicable to the phenomena prevailing at the time of the union concerned. It is said in Surya Jataka that from the ascendant relating to Adhana, the three planets, viz. the Moon, Venus and Mars, having strength or association with benefics, and in Upachaya places with own Navamsa positions, will promote occurrence of pregnancy.
292. Sage Garga on Excellence: Jupiter in the ascendant is also said to promote pregnancy. For sage Garga has stated that the impregnation with a strong Jupiter in the ascendant, the 5th or the 9th on a week day ruled by a benefic planet (i.e. “Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday) will cause an excellent conception.
293 – 295. Further combinations suggested by sage Garga are given below.
(a)There is a possibility of conception if male planets are in the 6th or 11th, the 5th lord is endowed with strength and the other planets are in odd signs.
(b) If the ‘lord of the ascendant and’ that of the 5th are together or are in mutual aspects, the same effects will come to pass. Again if there is an exchange between these two lords, pregnancy will materialize.
(c) The Moon in the ascendant, aspected by a male planet, and in a Navamsa ruled by a male planet will also cause pregnancy provided Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are in their own divisions.
296-298. Sukracharya: Other favourable and unfavourable combinations stated by Sukracharya (presumably from Sukra Jataka) are listed below.
(a) Pregnancy: Pregnancy is possible if the lord of the ascendant is in the 5th or the 7th. Also when the lords of the 5th and 7th are in the ascendant.
(b) Sickness: The placement of Mars and Saturn together in the 7th from the Sun at the time of Adhana will cause sickness of the male concerned. So also when these two planets occupy the 2nd and 12th counted from the Sun.
(c) Death: The male concerned will die if the Sun is hemmed between Saturn and Mars at the time of impregnation. Alternatively the Sun can be with one of the two, and be in full aspect to the other. The Moon in place of the Sun, as above, will similarly kill the female in question.
(d) Time of Death: The, expected death will materialize in the month when the planet signifying the male or female attains the required potence to kill.
According to the Sun God, the combinations stated earlier In connection with impregnation should never be applied to the “union” by a hermaphrodite (or to a sterile person).
300 – 303. Special Adhana Combinations from Meena Raja Jataka: (a) Mars and Saturn in the 7th from the Sun will cause death of the male, while these two in the 7th from the Moon will kill the female. If one of them is in the 7th, sickness and calumny will come to pass.
(b) The Moon in the 12th, Mars in the 4th and the Sun in the 8th at the time of Adhana will cause the death of the couple by weapons. Saturn in the place of the Sun in this combination will them kill by confinement.
(c) Pregnancy will not materialize from the union in case the Moon is in the ’10th or the 12th while Saturn is in the 4th together with Mars. If however there is the aspect of a benefic, pregnancy may occur with great difficulty (i.e. in remote cases).
(d) There will occurs no pregnancy if the Sun or Mars is in the ascendant, as the weak Moon is in the 12th.
(e) If three planets are in debility, then also there will be no effect of pregnancy.
304. Significators: Now stated are of the planets signifying the father, mother, paternal uncle and maternal aunt, and the effects thereof, as per Kalyana Varma. In case of Adhana in day time Venus and the Sun in order denote the father and mother. It is the Moon and Saturn if it is night time. According to seniors among Yavanas, these have to be reversed in respect of maternal aunt and paternal uncle. That is, the Moon and Saturn respectively denote maternal aunt and paternal uncle for Adhana in day time, and the concerned planets are Venus and the Sun for night time.
Notes: This applies to birth as well as horary. ‘For a clear understanding, these are enlisted below.
Day time: Venus = mother; Sun = father; Moon = maternal aunt; Saturn = paternal uncle.
Night time: Moon.= mother, Saturn = father; Venus = maternal aunt; Sun = paternal uncle.
305. The planets ruling father and paternal uncle found in odd houses from the ascendant are auspicious for them. Mother and maternal aunt will receive auspicious effects if the concerned planets are in an even’ house from the ascendant. Placed otherwise, that is in odd houses, these planets will be inauspicious. This is the meaning of these positions, observes Bala Bhadra.
Notes: The reference here is to even house (2nd, 4th etc.) and to odd house (1st, 3rd etc.) and not to even signs (Taurus, Cancer etc.) and odd signs (Aries, Gemini etc.) as the ascendant is mentioned.
306. As per Bora Makaranda: (a) The auspicious effects will be in full measure for the placements of these respective planets denoting father, mother etc. if the impregnation or birth is in the beginning part of day or night as the case may be.
(b) In the concluding part, the auspicious effects will be nil. (c) For intermediary parts, rule of three process should be applied.
(d) In case of malefic effects suitable estimation should be made.
Notes: (c) Day time intercourses are not recommended by Hindu Sastras for obtaining progeny. Hence, malefic effects will take the place of benefic effects and vice versa in such cases.
(d) Where benefic effects are full, malefic effects will be nil. Where benefic effects are nil, malefic effects will be full. Malefic effects will be half means benefic effects will also be half. This way, suitable understanding should be made.
307. Destruction: The pregnancy will be destroyed if Saturn and Mars occupy the ascendant at the time of impregnation. So also when the Moon is in one of the signs ruled either by Saturn or by Mars in aspect to the two.
308. Safe Pregnancy: The pregnancy (upon occurrence) will be secure if the Adhana ascendant contains the Moon while benefics are in a trine 17th, 2nd, 10th and 4th, and malefics in the 3rd and 11th in aspect to the Sun. The aspect of the Sun should be on the ascendant containing the Moon, observes Bala Bhadra.
309. Death of the ‘Female: Should the Sun be hemmed between malefics, without aspect from benefics, the conceiving woman will pass away (soon).
310. Bala Bhadra Observes: It is only the ascendant and the Moon (and not the Sun or the Moon, vide the previous sloka) that should be between malefic, according to Varaha Mihira. For Varaha Mihira says.” if the’ ascendant and the Moon are placed betwixt malefics, without aspect from benefics, the pregnant woman will die.
Notes: In sloka 309, the placement oft the Sun or the Moon, repeat “or the Moon”, is referred to. But according to Varaha Mihira, the Sun is not involved (for the Sun refers to father and not the mother). It is both the Moon and the’ ascendant.
311. The female in question will die if malefics are in the ascendant, unaspected by benefics. The same effect will materialize if the ascendant is in occupation by Saturn or the weak Moon, with the aspect of Mars.
312. As per Sage Garga: In this context, sage Garga suggests a combination involving the 12th house. Malefics in the 12th from Adhana ascendant, without benefic’s aspect will cause the death of the ‘female in pregnancy, so say the learned.
Malefics in the 12th (at the time of impregnation) can enter the Adhana ascendant (at a later date) and hence “malefics in the 12th” are referred to, observes the author.
313 – 314. (a) The female in pregnancy will die if the Sun with the declining Moon is found in the 12th, as Mars is seen in II the 4th. Alternatively, Venus could be amidst two malefics.
(b) The pregnancy will be destroyed if malefics are found in the 4th,from the Adhana ascendant or from the Adhana Moon.
(c) If Mars is in the 8th from the Adhana ascendant, the pregnancy will be destroyed along with the mother.
Notes: (a) The declining Moon is required to be with the Sun in the 12th which means that the Moon should be behind the Sun.
(b) It is more than one malefic that should be in the 4th.
(c) Mars should not be in the 8th from the ascendant at the tune of impregnation for he could endanger both the mother and the child to be born if however he receives some favourable aspects, the delivery may need a surgery. The conditions mentioned at “b” and “c” are clubbed together as one combination by Varaha
Mihira, as could be seen in the ensuing sloka.
315 – 316. (a) Varaha Mihira states these in a different manner, thus. Malefics in the 4th from the Moon while Mars is in the 8th will kill the pregnant woman. The author adds that Mars in the 8th from the Moon, and again in the 8th from the ascendant allows formation of two different possibilities.
(b) The female in question will quit the world with Mars in the 4th, and the Sun and weak Moon in the 12th, with malefic aspects.
(c) Mars in the 4th as the Sun and weak Moon are in the ascendant will also cause the same effect, provided malefics are in the 12th and 2nd without benefic aspects.
(d) With the Sun in the 7th as Mars is in the ascendant, the female in question will die due to injury by weapons.
318 – 319. Prosperity of Pregnancy: (a) Strong Mercury, Jupiter or Venus aspecting the ascendant at the time of impregnation will ensure (occurrence and) prosperity of pregnancy,
(b) The pregnancy will progress according to the strength of the lord of the month concerned.
(c) Desires: The female in pregnancy will develop (marked) desires for eatables and drinks from the 3rd month. The lord of the concerned month (i.e. lords of 3rd, 4th and other months) and the planet moving in the Adhana (impregnation) ascendant will influence her desires accordingly.