The following are the astrological planetary combinations for power.
509. Saturn in the 11th, Jupiter in. the 5th, the Moon in Aries which is the ascendant, and the 3rd occupied by the Sun, retrograde Mercury and retrograde Mars, – with this Yoga the native will become a king, the flow of whose elephants’ ichor will make the ocean recall the days of construction of Setu (over ¬bridge built by Lord Rama to proceed to Lanka).
510. One will become a king covering all the directions with his elephants if the Sun is in Virgo Mars is in Scorpio in union with Jupiter, and the Moon is in Aries, unaspected by others.
(From Garga Jataka upto sloka 515.)
511. Jupiter, Mercury and Venus in the ascendant, Saturn in the 7th and the Sun in the 10th will give enjoyment of pleasures.
512. Malefics in malefics signs, benefic signs are identical with angles with strength (i.e. the angles should enjoy Griha Bala or Bava Bala, which is dependent on the respective ruling planet’s Shadbala) will make one the leader of thieves.
513 . The sub period of the stronger of the planets in the ascendant and the 10th will bring forth the effects of an indicated Raja Yog.
Notes: Importance is given to the planet in the ascendant or in the 10th house. Whether such a planet forms a Raja Yoga or not it acts as an agent for other Raja Yoga Karaka planets in the nativity. Thus, the sub period of the occupant in question will be a power source of Raja Yoga effects.
Also see the next sloka.
Sambhu Hora Prakasa (ch, 17, sloka 63) takes into consideration the whole dasa, in the above circumstances, instead of sub-period. The present text’s condition is more logical, for a stronger sub period will have to ultimately rely on the lord of the main dasa. If we take the entire dasa of a strong planet, it would mean that a strong planet will give Raja Yoga. For mere strength in t e highest terms is alone not enough, and every horoscope will have a planet who is the mightiest of all.
514. If there are no planets in the ascendant and the 10th house, the sub-period of the strongest planet will usher the effects of a Raja Yoga.
515. In the dasa of a debilitated planet, and in the sub period of a strong female planet, one’s wealth will vanish.
Notes: The authority of this verse is sage Garga. This ia a rare yoga which we have not found elsewhere. Of all, a strong female planet (Le. the Moon, Ketu of Venus in strength) playing an adverse role for wealth is to be noted.
For example, Taurus is the ascendant with Mars in Cancer in debility and Venus in exaltation in Pisces (or alternatively the Moon in Taurus or in Cancer, or Ketu in the sign Sagittarius, Leo or Pisces – each case providing strength to the concentrate, planet). Then the dasa of the planet Mars and the sub period of Venus (or the Moon or Ketu as the case may be) will be a source of one’s losing wealth.