Samadura Yoga
Definition.-All the planets must occupy the six even houses.
Results.-The native will be a ruler or live like him free from care and worry.
Remarks.-This is indeed a somewhat rare combination because all the seven planets have to occupy six alternate signs beginning from the second. All odd houses reckoned from Lagna should be free from occupation.
This is one of the several Akriti Yogas dealt with by the great Varahamihira. In our humble experience, Akriti Yogas by themselves cannot exercise any definite influences unless the horoscope has gained strength otherwise.
With this-we cormplete the Akriti Yogas, comprising the first of the 4 groups of Nabhasa Yogas. Yogas like Vajra and Yava which require the positions of the planets exclusively in kendras do not seem to have the approval of Varahamihira. He deals with them in his Brihat Jataka simply adopting the views of Yavana and others and feels skeptical about their
possibility with the query ‘How can Mercury and Venus occupy the 4th sign (Bhavana) from the Sun?
The possibility or otherwise of Vajra, Yava and similar yogas which require mutual angular dispositions of the Sun and Mercury and Venus depends upon whether these yogas refer to the positions of planets in the Rasi Chakra ot Bhava Chakra. If the former, as is clearly implied by the letter Bhovanc used by Mihira which means a sign, then the Sun can never
be in a Kendra from Mercury or Venus. If on the other hand, the reference is to Bhava Chakra as some scholars contend, then Mercury can occupy a
kendra bhava from the Sun, which could be possible in very high latitudes. Therefore the ancient writers have not erred if the Vajra and Yava Yogas refer to the positions in the Bhava Chakra.