Article by ex IIT Prof. Dr. A. P.Rao
Major question of astrology is if future is predetermined (fatalistic) or one can control it (deterministic). Hindu philosophy answers this question. If future is deterministic one should know the type of actions and their conditions. The birth and death cycle depends on ones own karma. By ones karma one accumulates credit and debit balances by good and bad deeds. In financial dealings, all assets are not of equal utility. One may be very rich in assets but cash starved on a day – even if money is in bank like on a holiday. It may be in Fixed deposit which cannot be withdrawn. Similarly Karma also consists of three types – Praarabbhdha , Samcita and Agami.
Praarabbhdha karma is the deep accumulation of very heavy duty karmas of long lasting effect accumulated though number of janmas. This is like as ESHCREW ACCOUNT – where the inheritor as per the stipulated conditions can enjoy the fruit of the investment. Praarabhdha is almost impossible to change.
Samcita karma is the result of immediate past janmas – it is like a fixed deposit – One can enjoy the interest but may not able to touch the principle. Changing the investment is unprofitable if not impossible. Thus the change in the fruit of Samcita karma may be possible but to change it may be unprofitable.
Agami is the most important of all karmas – it is what we do today that affects tomorrow. As is said commonly “ Today is the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday”. What we sow today we will reap tomorrow. Hindu karmic rituals concentrate on doing this karma in right way. The purpose of puja is to achieve the four aims “ PURUSHAARDHAS” of (1) Dharma, (2)Ardha the means livelihood (3) Kama the fulfillment of desires and (4)moksha God Realization. Thus it is not a taboo to desire and have materialistic things. Only important condition is to see that both means and ends of acquisition of materialistic things is done in right or dharmic way. If one carries such disciplined life, Agami yields good results and this makes one follow the perfect righteous path – which leads to eliminating bad effects of Samcita and increasing its good effects and which again puts one at a higher pedestal of spiritual life so that the praarabhdha is totally rectified – leading to Moksha. Thus total knowledge of karma and their good practice leads to evolution of a person to a higher state of happiness at both physical and spiritual levels.
Another way of looking at the problem is our concept or understanding of God. as AHAM BRAHMASMI and BRAHMAHAMASMI. ( Realising the identity of Jeevatma and paramatma – referring to the fructification of sadhana).
There are three “Rs” involved in this
1.Recognition – where in one agrees to the identity in principle but has no experience of that identity- Constant reinforcement of this is sadhana.
2.Revelation – Where in by ones sadhana or divine grace the identity is revealed to the person
3.Realization – where in one realizes the identity.
Corresponding to the one of the above stage of sadhana ones own ability lies in changing not only the future but the whole universe itself.
So good karma or good sadhana will lead to elevation in small quanta if not in a day but in a few janmas. By this one can definitely control ones future. This is aptly said in the sentence “Yat Bhavoo Tat Bhavati” How one conceives (Plans or imagines) so it will happen.
For daily life it is important to know if astrology can really foretell the future and if some santhi or parihara can change the possible unwanted events. It is again the greatness of Hindu sages that the question is answered – Astrologer has to analyze puurva punya and uttara punya. It is this reading of this balance sheet which gives the answer what events are fatalistic and what events can be changed. Reading the annual balance sheet of a company gives what expenses of the company are a waste for achieving an objective. Balance sheet of Puurva punya and uttara punya( 9 th house and 5 th house) and his present status of dhrma (9 th bhava) and karma ( 10 th bhava) gives a insight of fatalistic events. Even with full knowledge of all these the astrologer has to be a tactician – in deciding what to tell and what not to tell and should not be a catalyst if not a causing agent of the event.
The astrologer should definitely advise possible avoidable events and pariharams for the same. But for the really inevitable like death atleast one is reconciled for the inevitable and will have more peace. As an example if one has to forecast a possible accident say by a vehicle while traveling – with proper santhi one may reduce the effect of the accident. If the client has spent considerable energy (Both in quantity and quality) physically like not traveling etc. or by santhi or parihara the intensity or effect of the accident may be less. Instead of a fatal accident one may have a sprain– thus meeting the conditions of prediction as well as the result. Similarly for kuja dosha of marriage – the result may be multifaceted – instead of widowship, divorce etc one may have an affair or canceling of an alliance for marriage at the last minute. Thus astrology can offer predictions which can be changed by human effort.
This is why while giving the prasada of holy water in temples one is blessed by saying “ Akala mrutyu nivarnaardham” – for avoiding untimely death. Thus it is ones effort which can make future deterministic