The native will have a broken education as there is Mars in the 12th house to Mercury. The house next to Mercury is occupied by Jupiter and Ketu. Hence, the native will be intelligent and will have regard for elders. Including him five brothers and sisters constitute the progeny to his parents. The Sun in Sagittarius with Mercury indicate Godly father with great learning. The father will have won name and fame through Government. Both the parents have fed poor people and done other charitable deeds. Venus in the 2nd house to Ketu and Jupiter indicates wealth got through his wife. The conjunction of Mars with Saturn indicates great troubles in the period during the second round of Saturn (i.e., after 38th year). This will be when Saturn moves out of Aquarius. When Saturn visits the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius there will be little comfort and strained finances. Capricorn is a better place for Saturn’s transit as it is occupied by Jupiter and Ketu-That period will be good in all respects. When Saturn transits Aries he gets the Moon’s aspect (this will be in the native’s 42nd-43rd year). Till he reaches Cancer the native will have ill-health, ill-fame and he will wander about miserably. He will be committed for robbery but will come out unscathed by the help of his brother (Mercury in 2nd to Mars). When Saturn transiting Cancer, Jupiter’s aspect improves his finances and he will enjoy good times.
All the above trouble arise because of lhe-effects of the previous birth when Jupiter was in Sagittarius and the Moon in Libra both moving in their debilitation. Saturn and Mars in the 2nd house to the Moon indicate that in the previous birth the native had wrenched away all wealth from his mother and given much trouble to her and she cursed him and died. Propitiating the Goddess at Madura with religious sacrifices, feeding and giving presents to five Kanyas (Unmarried girls) will give him great relief from the present troubles.
In his present ljfe, the native will be employed in a factory of iron machinery and he will have good times from 50th year onward. One of his brothers will attain great fame (Mars, Mercury and Jupiter in consecutive houses). Venus in the 2nd to Jupiter indicates that the native will be known for his medical knowledge and he will earn a great deal. When Saturn transits Leo, his sisters and daughters will come to lime-light as Venus and Moon receive Saturn’s aspect. His daughter will be very rich. (Venus next to Jupiter). His wife will not have a full measure of health. She may be suffering from piles and urinary trouble.
The native will lose his father at the age of 47-49. His mother will predecease her husband (Rahu 1n Cancer far away from Venus with no planets. in between). As Venus meets the Moon next after meeting Rahu, the mother witnesses the passing away of a daughter.
From the age of 54-55 the native V.:ill improve financially a great deal and perform marriages etc., during that period. About 58-59 he may go to foreign countries. He may have losses in his 60th year–but there will be happiness. From 61 to 70 he will have a very propitious time-He will enjoy peace of mind and have conveyance etc. His wife will be ill at 69-70 but live upto 73. He will live upto 74-75.