Denied marriage cases.
Ex 2:
In this Horoscope Sukra and Kuja are aspected by Rahu as well as Sani. That is why the
native is not married. Sukra is not aspecting Guru.
Ex 3:
This is a Female Horoscope. In this Horoscope Kuja and Sukra both are aspected by
Ketu. I.e. Kethu is placed in the 9th sign from Kuja and sukra. The Retro Sani is also
aspecting this combination. Hence she is not married.
Ex 4:
This is a Female Horoscope. In this Horoscope Kuja is aspected by Rahu. I.e. Rahu
Is placed in the 9th sign from Kuja. Sani is located behind Kuja. Hence there is no
marriage for her. This combination is aspected by Guru. If she would have performed
PARIHARA in her young age she would have got married.
Ex 4:
This is a Male Horoscope. Sukra is aspected by Sani as well as Rahu. Hence the
marriage is denied.
Ex 5:
This is a female horoscope. In this horoscope Kuja is aspected by Sani as well as Ketu
Hence marriage is denied.