Here Saturn is conjunct Rahu and there are no planets in either side of him. The Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are posited in the 6th to Saturn. There is a regular warfare between the trio and each has his own say in the matter. As Saturn enters Taurus,’he contacts Mars enabling the native to get a job, but that will involve him in expenses. Next when Saturn contacts Venus in Gemini, all the good that could come to the native is failed by the presence of the Sun, his enemy. The native will begin to earn and obtain help from friends; but all his earnings will be spent. Next, Saturn .contacts Ketu in Leo, and this will deny marriage to the native. Jupiter though exalted is conjunct with Mercury and the Moon-both inimical to each other. These dispositions will destroy all his good prospects. Saturn-Rahu and the Sun-Venus conjunction will deny him all happiness in life. However, he will get some relief from divine help. Finally, from 30th year onward up to 70, he will have a favourable period.