17. The Sun in the 5th: One with the Sun in the 5th house will have limited progeny, be bereft of affection, interested in evil deeds, in the grip of vices, of highly bilious constitution and will have a number of foes.
Notes: Further, the native will be miserable in respect of his children. He may lose at least one of them and incur grief.
According to one school of thought, the native will have only one son.
One with the Sun in the 5th will be exceedingly intelligent and be skilful in Mantra Sastras and grammar. He will bedisposed to steal others’ wealth, will live in others’ houses and will prefer loneliness. His life-span may be curtailed. He will have a stout body, will be sickly during his early days and will make morley in his youth.
The Sun in the 5th house is generally dangerous for father’ s life-span as well. In case of a movable sign ascending, the Sun in the 5th house with a movable N avamsa will cause danger to father in the 12th year; in an immovable Navamsa the native’s 36th year will endanger father; and in a dual Navamsa early death of father (Le. even before 12) will occur. These three conditions apply only to a movable ascendant.
The Sun in the 5th in a dual Navamsa, in case of a movable sign ascending, will further cause danger to the native’s own child at the age of four. In general Le. particularly for fIxed and duals signs ascending, the Sun in the 5th in a malefic’s Navamsa will endanger the father of native during his 17th year.
18. The Sun in the 6th: One with the Sun in the 6th housewill conquer his foes.’ He will be beautiful, modest, in the company of good men, fond of guests and agreeable to his kinsfolk.
Notes: Also, the subject will be endangered from quadrupeds and fire. His health will be poor. He will cheat his own people.
There may be early loss of father. He will make friends in high circles. His fame will never decline. He will not be very learned but will incur abundant grief in his life.
There will be danger to his bones, teeth, spine and heart. If the 6th house containing the Sun is owned by a benefic (except in Libra), the native will acquire a lot of wealth.
19. The Sun in the 7th: One with the Sun in the 7th house will have an ugly physique, will beget an evil spouse, will possess imbalances of phlegm and wind, will incur bodily distress, be troubled by excessive sexual desires and be unfriendly.
Notes: The Sun in the 7th house will disturb one’s marital life if the occupation is not in a benefic sign, except in Libra. The Sun in the 7th in Libra will produce numerous miseries in marital life as well as in other respects.
The Sun in the 7th house in general will delay one’s marriage and will curtail happiness respecting children. If the occupation of the Sun is in a malefic’s sign along with a malefic planet, second marriage will take place.
There is a specific authority which asserts that the only happiness the native will enjoy will be from females and of no other kind.
20. The Sun in the 8th: One with the Sun in the 8th house will be fond of living in distant lands, be devoid of many things (essential for a happy living), be troubled by hunger and diseases, and bereft of others’ affection.
Notes: Following will be the additional effects for the Sun in the 8th house.
One’s life will be a store-house of very many miseries. Frequent financial and professional reversals will occur. The native will suffer from piles, venereal, eye and cardiac disorders. He will possess a very attractive appearance and will have illicit relationship with women of a different region. He will be of sacrificial disposition and will honour men of learning. There will be also danger of some head injury in childhood. He will have disappointment concerning progeny and fortunes.
The Sun in the 8th house in exaltation, or in a friendly sign, or with a benefic’s aspect will confer a long-life, abundant fortunes, paternal inheritance and a position of power. Else, without such dignity for the Sun, there may be untimely danger to the life-span of the subject.