The Sun representing father is in conjunction with Saturn and Rahu. Mars is placed in the adjoining house. This indicates hurdles to be overcome by the father. The Sun and Jupiter have exchange of places. Hence Ketu’s position is the 7th from the Sun and that of Mercury and Venus in the 7th from the Moon indicates father being employed in a Government chemical industry.
With Saturn and Jupiter on one side, and the Moon, Venus and Mercury on the other side of Rahu-Ketu axis, the native’s grandfather must have had two wives. Grand father and uncle enjoy all the wealth. The position of the Sun and Ketu reduces the quantum of the paternal property. The native will be an intellectual, and will have good education. He will have a happy life from 28-30 years of age. The native will take up the same profession as that of his father. He will live happily up to 60 years.