If a planet is hemmed between two planets in the horoscope then the Karthari yoga is
said to be present in that horoscope. The Karthari yoga is present in the horoscope, if
1) Three planets are located in successive sign in serial order
2) Three planets are located in successive star padas in serial order
3) Three planets are located in the same sign but in successive degrees in serial
4) Three planets are located in the same direction, either in successive star pada
(or) in successive degree in serial order.
In chart ‘A’, the planets Guru, Surya and Budha are located in successive signs
Mesha, Vrishaba and Mithuna. Here, Surya is hemmed in between Guru and Budha.
In chart ‘B’, the planets Surya, Guru and Budha are located in successive star
padas Aswini 2nd pada, Bharani 1st pada and Krittika 1st pada. Here, Guru is
hemmed between Surya and Budha.
In chart ‘C’, the planets Surya, Guru and Budha are located in the same sign,
but in successive degrees. Surya is in 50 of Kataka, Guru is in 100 of Kataka and
Budha is in 150 degree of Kataka. Here, Guru is hemmed between Surya and Budha.
In chart ‘D’, the planets Surya, Guru and Kuja are located in different signs, but
in the same direction and in successive degrees. Mesha, Simha and Dhanus, all the
three signs are Eastern signs. Guru is in 200 of Mesha, Surya is in 1000 of Simha and
Kuja is in 1500 of Dhanus. Here, Surya is hemmed between Budha and Kuja.