Chatussagara yoga
Definition.- Chatussagara Yoga is caused when all the kendras are occupied by planets. Results. The person will earn good reputation, be an equal to a ruler, have a long and prosperous life, be blessed with good children and health and his name will travel to the confines of the four
Remarks.-According to the dictum Kendrasthatibalassuhuhu planets disposed in kendras add great strength to the horoscope. The four angles in a horoscope are like the four walls of a building.
T’he results should not be applied literally. Planets in the 10th kendra are more powerful than those in the 7th; those in the 7th are more powerful than those in the 4th. Those in the 4th, in turn, are more powerful than those in the lst though Lagna.
Kendra is an exception. In ascribing results to the Dasas, the usual considerations such as a planet being a benefic or malefic lord, etc., have to be taken into account. Chatussagara Yoga contributes to considerable financial soundness and good name to the person irrespective of the fact whether or not one is a ruler.