157 -158. Removal of Blemish for Birth in Aslesha. As per Manu Samhita: now stated are the ways and means to overcome the blemish possible ,due to birth in Aslesha Nakshatra. On the 12th day following the day of birth, remedies and fire sacrifice should be done. If this day is not feasible, another day coinciding with birth star, or any other auspicious day with the guidance of Brahmins should be chosen. On the selected day, the performer (and the child) should take bath. Honouring the Brahmins, the remedial measures should be commenced.
159. If resources permit, five sacred pots should be obtained. Alternatively two will do. On one of the two pots, the deity of Aslesha should be installed (which is Aslesha Kalasa).
160-165. (a) The materials mentioned for remedies concerning Mula should be dropped in the pots. Then the remedial rituals which are the same as per Mula should be undertaken. A chosen surface cleansed with cow dung, should be beautified with grains etc. Within a space of 24 Angulas, a lotus bud should be drawn with red, yellow,
white and black coloured rice particles. On this should be written” Sreem and Hreem” (in Deva Nagari script). Here should be placed the sacred pot.
(b) The sacred pot should be placed with the recital of Mantras like “Aakalaseshu” following which water should be poured in it with Mantras like “Imam Me” (“Me” pronounced as “May”). It should be worshipped with Mantras for adoring robes, scented articles etc. to the pot. The deity of Aslesha and those placed (i.e. ruling) in the south and north should be worshipped with Mantras like “Yaah halinee”. The presiding deities of the Nakshatras occupying the directions commencing from east and ending with north-east. The remaining worship (as already stated) for the sacred pot allotted for Rudra (i.e. Rudra Kalasa) should be performed.
Bala Bhadra clarifies: Tlie worship for Aslesha should be done on the same lines as forMula. In the present case, five sacred pots should be installed if resources allow. Otherwise, two should be installed. One is meant for Rudra and the other for the idol of deity of Aslesha. Mantras with devotion should be recited as laid down earlier. The idol of Aslesha should resemble a Snake (i.e. divine cobra). Images of Brihaspati (i.e. Jupiter) – the presiding deity for this N akshatra – and Pitru, the secondary deity, should be installed and worshiped.
166-171. The presiding deity should be worshipped with the Mantra “Namasthu Sarpebhyam”. The image ‘of the snake shauld have twa arms and three reddish eyes. It should adhere yellow robes and glittering ornaments. The deity should be worshiped with Mantras, fire sacrifice and related rituals. The ritual should be done according to the orthodoxy of either the performer ‘or the Acharya (i.e. the conductor of the ritual). Oblations should be offered far the presiding deity and the secondary deity far 108 times ‘or 28 times till the fire ‘of the sacrifice remains burning. (That is, the Fire should not be put off willfully.) The next step is to complete the sacrifice as specified far Mula Nakshatra. The performer should take water from the pat and sprinkle the same, in association with his spouse and progeny.
172 – 176. (a) At the time of sprinkling, the performer should recite the Mantra (vide slokas 172 & 173) which means the following.
“May the blemishes concerning mother, father, wealth, co-born and family far the child born in Aslesha be destroyed.
“0 manes, yau are the pratectars ‘Of all living beings. Similarly, protect the kinsfalk and family of the child barn in Aslesha. ”
Thus should one implore the deity (The concerned Mantras as above should be recited in Sanskrit only.)
(b) The following Mantra should also be recited (vide sloka No. 174).
” 0 lard ‘Of snakes, I ‘Offer my salutations ta yau. In ‘Order ta get relieffram all kinds ‘of evils, I ‘Offer Arghya (‘offering water with two palms joined) ta yau. ”
The above is the Mantra for ‘Offering Arghya ta the presiding deity.
In performing these rituals, reference to Sarpa Devata (snake deity ruling Aslesha) shauld be made in place of Mula.
(c) Bala Bhadra explains that if these rituals are left incomplete at birth, the blemish will harm the parents-in-law after marriage. Performing rituals will ward ‘Off evils for parents¬in-law. Hence these should be undertaken. These remedies are suggested in a generic sense far Mula and Aslesha only, by name. A girl born in Jyeshta will be inauspicious for her elder brother¬in-law, a girl born in Visakha for her younger brother-in-law, and a bay far elder and younger co-born. Hence by implication, remedies suggested for Mula and Aslesha should be perfarmed for those born in evil phases of Jyeshta and Visakha also. For Narada has stated as under.
(d) A girl born in Mula Nakshatra will be the cause of death eiher father-in-law, in Aslesha for mother-in-law, in Jyeshta of elder brother-in-law and in Visakha of younger brather-in-law. If remedies are resorted to as prescribed earlier, the blemish will not exist.
Thus ends discussion on remedy for Aslesha.
177-183. Remedial Rituals for Gandanta: Based on Garga Samhita, now stated are of the remedial for the 3 kinds of Gandanta (vide slokas 15-19 of this chapter).
(b) The devotee, reciting “Soma” Mantra, should get a brass vessel made weighing 16, 8, 4 or 2 Palas (ancient weigbtage). This vessel should be filled with milk porridge, conch shells and butter after which the Moon god’s image made of silver should be worshiped with one thousand white flowers.
(b) The astrologer, free from fatigue, and wearing white robes and white garland, should get the worship performed, stating that he is Soma. The Soma Mantra suggested earlier should be recited for a thousand times with devoition. This should be followed by worship with Mantras like “Aapyaayasva”
(c) Donation of a cow and a white image of Vageesvara (i.e. Garuda,) along with the brass plate vessel to be made to the priest, the learn d in Vedas. This will relieve one of the blemish of Gandanta.
(d) The remedial measures concerned should be undertaken after “Sutaka” (11 days of birth), or on any auspicious day not ruled by Abhukta Mula. Till the palliative is done, the father should not see the child.
184-186. Views of Jyotir Nibandha : The following are special statements.
(a) One born in any of the first quarters of Mula, Asvini and Magha, and the last quarters of Revathi, Jyeshta and Aslesha will be a source of the death in the following manner. Night birth – mother; day birth – father; either twilight – self.
(b) For this kind of blemish also, the image, sacred pot, fire sacrifice and sacred bathing should be performed in the same way as stated earlier.
(c) The donations prescribed are, for Thithi Ganda – an ox, for Nakshatra Ganda – a cow, and for Rasi Ganda – gold.
(d) In case of danger to father in the first portion of the relevant Nakshtra (i.e. in Mula etc.) ritual bath (with water mixed with herbals etc.) should be taken by father, mother and child. In case of other dangers, only the mother and the child should be bathed (with special Mantras).
187. Other matters stated in the said/work are as under.
(a) For blemishes due to birth in the three Nakshatras, viz. Uttara Phalguni, Chitr and Purvashadha, remedies should be sought by the wise installing the image of the (deity of the) Nakshatra concerned.
188. Vasishta is thus quoted in this regard. Destruction of mother, father brother (or sister) and self will in order occur due to birth in 2nd quarter ofChitra, 2nd quarter of Pushy a, and 3rd quarter of Purvashadha and 3rd quarter of Purva Phalguni.
189-192. Sage Garga on Timings: (a) The blemish due to birth in Uttara Phalguni will be inl:].uspicious for 2 months, in pushy ami for 3 months, in Purvashadha for 8 months, in Chitra for 6 months, in Aslesha for 3 months, in Mula for 8 years and in Jyeshta for 15 months. The child should not be seen (by the father) during this prohibited interval.
(b) Donation of a vessel filled with sesamum for Uttara Phalguni, of a cow for Pushyami, of a goat for Chitra, of gold for purvashadha, and of barley, rice and the pulse Phaseolus radiatus should be done. Feeding Brahmins should also be undertaken according to one’s financial resources.
(c) For obtaining increased life-span for father, remedial measures have been prescribed in this work (i. e. Jyotir Nibandha).
193. Even without performing the cumbersome rituals stated so far, one can get benefits by giving donations to ward off evils for births in any (ofthe specified) Nakshatras, as stated in Vasishta Samhita. In respect of rituals, donations to Brahmins for the concerned Nakshatras have been stated in the said treatise. According to resources, three cows may be given in charity. In case of restraint, two cows, or a single cow may be donated. The word “Uttara” following “Poorvashadha” should be understood as “Uttarashadha” according to Saara Sagara.
Thus end rituals for Gandanta.