Now time-bound effects of Bhavas, as per the authority of Hillaja upto sloka 154.
Notes: Hillaja was a well-known astronomer of the remote past whose time period is however not known. He was also an astrological exponent of repute and the works, HUlaja Jataka, Hillaja Tajika (solar return horoscopy), Hillaja Graha Phala, and Hillaja Dipika are attributed to him. He was quoted by Punja.Raja also, vide Sambhu Hora Prakasa, chapter 14.
121.125. The Sun: The Sun will cause the following effects in the respective years of age.
In the ascendant – Evils in the 15th year.
In the 2nd house – Loss of wealth in the 7th year (to the family).
In the 3rd house – Gain of wealth in the 20th year.
In the 4th house – Grief in the 14th year.
In the 5th house – Danger to father in the 9th year.
In the 6th house – All kinds of wealth in the 23rd year.
In the 7th house – Danger to wife in the 34th year.
In the 8th house – Death of a female in the 10th year.
In the 9th house – Pilgrimage in the 10th year.
In the 10th house – Separation in the 19th year.
In the 11th house – Birth of a son in the 24th year.
In the 12th house – Danger in the 12th year.
These are the effects for the Sun.
126 – 131. The Moon: Now effects for the MO°!1 in the respective years of age.
In the ascendant – Disease in the 27th year.
In the 2nd house – Evils in the 27th year.
In the 3rd house – Gains through. relatives in the 5th year.
In the 4th house – Gain of a son in the 22nd year.
In the 5th house – Danger from fire in the 2nd year.
In the 6th house – Danger in the 6th year.
In the 7th house – Death of mother in the 15th year.
In the 8th house – Danger on 6th day or in 6th year due to fall from height.
In the 9th house – Pilgrimage in the 20th year.
In the 10th house – Gains in the 43rd year.
In the 11th house – Royal on our in the 20th year.
In the 12th house – Danger and evils in the 3rd year.
These are the effects for the, Moon.
132.137. Mars: Now effects for Mars in the respective years of age.
In the ascendant – Evils in the 5th year.
In the 2nd house – Loss of wealth in the 12th year.
In the 3rd house – Happiness to relatives in the 13th year.
In the 4th house – Danger to relatives in the 8th year.
In the 5th house – Danger to relatives in the 5th year.
In the 6th house – Gain of a son in the 26th year.
In the 7th house – Danger to wife in the 27th year.
In the 8th house – Danger in the 22nd year.
In the 9th house – Danger to father in the 14th year.
In the 10th house – Danger through weapon in the 27th year.
In the 11th house – Gain of wealth in the 4th year.
In the 12th house – Danger in the 25th year.
These are the effects for Mars.
138 – 142. Mercury: Now effects for Mercury in the respective years of age.
In the ascendant – Increase of splendour in the 10th year.
In the 2nd house – Loss of wealth in the 26th year.
In the 3rd house – Gain of a son in the 12th year.
In the 4th house – Gain of a son in the 22nd year.
In the 5th house – Danger to mother in the 26th year.
In the 6th house – Danger through foes in the 21st year.
In the 7th house – Gain of wife in the 17th year.
In the 8th house – Loss of wealth in the 14th year.
In the 9th house – Danger to mother in the 19th year.
In the 10th house – Gain of wealth in the 19th year.
In the 11th house – Gain of wealth in the 45th year.
In the 12th house – Danger to a female in the 12th year.
These are the effects for Mercury.
143 -148. Jupiter: Now effects for Jupiter in the respective years of age.
In the ascendant – Birth of child (in the family) in the 8th year.
In the 2nd house – Gain of wealth in the 39 year.
In the 3rd house – Union with friends in the 20th year.
In the 4th house – Gain of relatives and wealth in the 12th year.
In the 5th house – Danger to maternal uncle in the 7th year.
In the 6th house – Fear from foes in the 40th year.
In the 7th house – Gain of spouse in the 22nd year.
In the 8th house – Great diseases in the 31st year.
In the 9th house – Gains to father (year not mentioned).
In the 10th house – Results not mentioned.
In the 11th house – Gain of wealth both to the native and his father (year not mentioned).
In the 12th house – Heavy expenditure in the 25th year.
These are the effects for Jupiter.
149.154. Venus: Now effects for Venus in the respective years of age.
In the ascendant – Illicit connection in the 17th year.
In the 2nd house – Gain of wealth in the 6th year.
In the 3rd house – Pilgrimage in the 4th year.
In the 4th house – Happiness to relatives in the 4th year.
In the 5th house – Gains in the 5th year.
In the 6th house – Danger in the 41st year due to weapons.
In the 7th house – Marriage in the 14th year.
In the 8th house – Gain of wealth in 10th year through valour.
In the 9th house – Gain of wealth in the 15th year
In the 10th house – Results not mentioned.
In the 11th house – Much happiness in the 4th year.
In the 12th house – Gain of wealth in the 5th year.
Effects for Saturn, Rahu and Ketu should be understood in the same manner as for Mars.
These astonishing effects have been stated by Hillaja.
These are the effects for Bhava.