Kusuma Yoga
Definition.-If Jupiter is in Lagna, the Moon in the 7th and the Sun in the 8th from the Moon, Kusuma Yoga is caused.
Results.-The person will be a King or equal to a King, protector of kith and kin, founder of a town or a headman, and possessed of unsullied reputation.
Remarks,-Jupiter in Lagna is a highly beneficial combination and when the Moon is in the 7th from Jupiter, Gajakesari Yoga is caused. The Sun’s situation in the 8th from the Moon, which means the same as being in the 2nd, results in Subhavasi Yoga as Jupiter will be in the l2th. Thus Kusuma Yoga has resulted by the mingling of Gajakesari and Vasi Yogas. In such cases where two or more Yogas are merged together, the most powerful of the lot is to be taken into account. Magistrates, Munsiffs, village headmen, mayors and municipal commissioners may be born when Kusuma Yoga is strongly formed.
Prof. Rao gives another definition in his Sarayoga Manjari according to which Venus should occupy a fixed sign in a Kendra, weak Moon in a
trine and the Sun in the 10th house to cause Kusuma Yoga. Obviously Venus cannot occupy any other Kendra than the lOth house in case the Sun is also
to be in the 10th for Venus and the Sun cannot be apart from each other beyond 47′. This will therefore mean that the weak Moon should o occupy a trine and the Sun and Venus must be in the 10th. In higher latitudes, however, where often there is merging of two signs in a Bhava, Venus can occupy either Lagna or the 7th house and the Sun can join’the 10th,
depending upon whether Venus is heading towards inferior or superior conjunction. As almost all Yogas seem to have been based upon certain mutual angular dispositions of planets, Rasis are implied and not Bhavas, because if the Yoga-formation is based on Bhava reckoning, the distance between the planets forming a particular Yoga will be varying with reference to each individual horoscope’ Thus for instance in Kusuma Yoga, the Sun is to be in the 10th. This according to Rasi reckoning means an aspect angle of 270″ while according to Bhava reckoning, it may mean just the distance between the Lagna and the 10th Bhava which varies with regard to each horoscope. Without straining the combinations too much, it seems safe to assume that Yogas are based on the disposition of planets in certain Rasis from each other.