Venus with Other Positions.
375. Venus with Mitra Bala: If Venus is endowed with this strength, the person will have many friends, be fond of guests, wise, kind, devoted to gods and endowed with wealth, lordship and virtues.
376. Venus with Sthaana Bala: If Venus begets Sthaana Bala, the native will be important among men, be honoured in his place, be dear to women, a gracious person and be very courageous (lit. leader of courage).
377. Venus with Uchcha Bala: With Venus enjoying this particular power, the native will enjoy abundant fame. He will be a meritorious person, and be highly truthful, rich with quadrupeds and will possess charming looks.
378. Venus with Navamsa Bala: If Venus begets this strength, the native will win over his enemies, be fond of performing Vedic sacrifices, will lead in charities, be famous, liberated from blemishes and be the chief of the men of his race.
379. Venus with Benefic Aspects: If Venus enjoys this strength, the person will be associated with auspicious functions, be fierce, bereft of diseases, will have hi.; foes subdued, be fond of guests, and endowed with various kinds of happiness.
380. Venus with Svakshetra Bala: If Venus is endowed with this specified strength, the native will have (association. with) many women, and be endowed with prosperity, beauty, radiance, and various kinds of financial gains.
381. Venus with Digbala: If Venus obtains this strength at the time of one’s birth, the person will be gracious, will have no enemies, will have his fame spread in various directions and countries, be wealthy, be large-hearted and be dear to all.
Notes: “Sutha + Aadhyam” ) in this verse need not be translated as “rich in terms sons or progeny”. It correctly means in this context “having the wealth obtained – (Suta means obtained)” and thus Venus with Digbala will give wealth.
382. Venus with Cheshta Bala: Should Venus be with this strength, the person will be gracious, brilliant, bereft of sinful deeds, endowed with elephants and horses, devoted to gods and Brahmins, bereft of fear and will gain birth of sons.
383. Venus with Vara Bala: If Venus enjoys this strength, the native will be inherently efficacious, scientific in temperament, be interested in many Sastras, highly dutiful and will have his enemies eliminated.
384. Venus with Varsha Bala: One with Venus with this strength will be fortunate, will win over his enemies, be endowed with quadrupeds, robes, food etc. and be plentiful of everything.
385. Venus with Hora Bala: If Venus earns this power, the native will be virtuous, skilful in delivering affectionate words, be honoured (even) by great men, and be a gracious and attractive person.
386. Venus with Paksha Bala: One with Venus excelling in Paksha Bala will conquer his enemies, be honoured by his kinsfolk, highly righteous and will enjoy happiness with women dear to him.