Daridra Yogas
Definition.-The lords of the 12th and Lagna should exchange their positions and be conjoined or be aspected by the lord of the 7th-A.
The lords of the 6th and Lagna interchange their positions and the Moon is aspected by the 2nd or 7th lord-B.
Kethu and the Moon should be in Lagna-C.
The lord of Lagna is in the 8th aspected by or inCCconjunction with the 2nd or 7th lord-D.
The lord of Lagna joins the 6th, 8th or 12th with a malefic aspected by or combined with the 2nd or 7th lord-E.
Lord of Lagna is associated with the 6th, 8th or 12th lord and subjected to malefic aspects-F.
The lord of the 5th joins the lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th without beneficial aspects or conjunctions -G.
The Lord of the 5th is in the 6th or10th aspected by lords of the 2nd, 6th, 7th, 8th or 12th – H :
Natural malefics, who do not own the 9th or 10th, should occupy Lagna and associate with or be aspected by the maraka lords-I.
The lords of the Lagna and Navamsa Lagna should occupy the 6th, 8th or 12th and have the aspect or conjunction of the lords of the 2nd and 7th-J.
Results.-ALl the above Yogas produce dire poverty, financial straits, wretchedness and miseries.
Remarks.-Poverty is a horrible specter more grim-like than even death. Death puts an end to life and settles all worldly states. What happens after
death, nobody knows. It is supposed to put an end to all the worldly miseries, sorrows and anxieties.
Hence there are some people who prefer death to abject poverty. A poor man leads a wretched life. He is compelled to live in squalid and unhealthy
houses. The children have no facilities for education, health and decent existence. The poor man is generally shunned everywhere. He is an unwelcome guest at the doors of the ‘well-to-do’classes. His legitimate
activities are obstructed by financial difficulties and want of sympathy Poverty is the hot-bed of crime and vice and the impervious sensations of hunger and thirst drive the poor to disgraceful acts. Whatever
philosophers may say, the pangs of poverty are difficult to bear.
In all the above combinations, reference is made
in the original to the conjunction of lords of Lagna and the 5th with maraka lords. Evidently, the maraka lords are the 2nd and 7th lords. Some authors
include 6th, 8th and 12th houses also as belonging to maraka category.