Definition.-When Rahu is in Lagna in conjunction
with the Moon and the malefics join trines, the above yoga is given rise to.
Results.-The person suffers from the attacks of ‘spirits’.
Remarks.-The Moon’s conjunction with Rahu and Saturn is always undesirable as it makes the person mentally unsound. Whilst it may
be conceded that some super-normal phenornena such as “possession by devils”, etc., may be proved to be due to abnormal conditions of the brain, yet there will be found to remain well-attested facts which will compel science to admit the existence of pisachas, devils, spirits, hobgoblins and the like. Pisachas are supposed to be discarnate intelligent beings, some of whom occasionally get into communication with us through “mediums” or persons who are weak-minded. Various experiences recorded by
trustworthy men do afford strong prima facie evidence of survival after death and pisachas are said to be souls of less evolved persons whose spiritual developments are deficient and who die an early death
without tasting any earthly pleasures. T.he subject of pisachas is a vast one and I would refer my readers to standard books on the subject particularly to Dr. Ghose’s Adventures with Evil Spirits. When the Moon is with Rahu and Saturn, or Saturn aspects Moon-Rahu combination, especially in Lagna, the person doubtless suffers from evil spirits or devils.