Pitrusapa Sutakshaya yoga
Definition.-The Sun must occupy the 5th house which should be his place of debilitation, or the amsas of Makara and Kumbha, or in between malefics.
Results.-The subject will lose issues on account of his father’s wrath.
Remrarks.-The wording of the combination is a bit confusing. One of the following three conditions can give rise to this yoga:
(a) The 5th must be occupied by debilitated Sun.This is possible only in regard to Mithuna in which case the Sun happens to own the 3rd house and hence becomes blemished.
(b) The Sun must join the 5th house, but the Navamsa should be Makara or Kumbha. This combination cannot be applied for persons born in Mesha, Simha and Dhanus, because, in respect of these three, Makara and Kumbha navamsas cannot rise in the 5th house, as the last navamsa ends with Dhanus. With regard to Vrishabha, Kanya and Makara the Sun’s situation in the 5th house coincident with Makara or Kumbha navamsa can happen
provided the Sun is within 6 40’from the beginning of the sign concerned. In regard to Mithuna, Thula and Kumbha, the Sun’s 5th house position must fall within the arc of l0′ to 16″ 40’of the sign concerned.
Similarly, in reference to Kataka, Vrischika and Meena the Sun’s 5th bhava position must correspond to the area between 20″ and 26″ 40’of the sign
concerned. Suppose Vrishabha is Lagna and the Sun occupies the 5th degree of Kanya, which is the same as the 2nd navamsa, viz., Kumbha. Conditions necessary for the fulfillment of the yoga may be said to exist in this case. Here again due consideration must be given to the fact whether the Sun is actually in the 5th house or 5th sign. If latter, the yoga cannot exist. Let us assume that the 3rd degree of Cancer is Lagna, and the 5th degree of Scorpio rises in the 5th house, the 5th bhava ending at the 19th
degree of Scorpio. If the Sun is in Scorpio 19th degree, the combination does not exist because the navamsa cannot be Makara or Kumbha. If the Sun is in the 21st degree of Vrischika, even then the combination cannot hold good because he will be actually in the 6th house. These subtle differences due to bhava positions should be carefully balanced before making sure that the Yoga really exists. I may add en passant that the mere fact of the 5th house falling in the navamsa of Saturn is enough to indicate death of children, unless there are other counteracting influences. In the various combinations dealt with above and in the following pages, causes for the death of children due to various kinds of curses sapas given by parents, brothers, elders and others are enumerated. Loss of progeny is an irreparable and heartrending misfortune. Blessings and curses work on a
subtle plane. But the results they produce are often demonstrable and remarkable. The mysterious force or energy manifests itself in various ways and curious forms. When a man is angry or out of temper, reason and logic are generally thrown to the winds and the ill-temper discharges itself in various ways. Curses are the resultants of various causes proceeding
from different sorts of temperaments or provocations whether they are real or imaginary. There are some people born with intense passions developed as a result of their previous karma which always find
expression in inflicting injuries on others. Take the case of what is called the ‘evil eye’. Here what happens is this: The man has strong passions developed in him like the poison of cobra or the sting of a scorpion which is able to discharge electric or ethereal energy with a tremendous force directed for the destruction or the injury of an object. Examples illustrating the Sun’s debilitation in the 5th house can be had in plenty and therefore I do not propose to give an example for this combination.
(C) The 3rd variation of the yoga is simple. The Sun must occupy the 5th house, hemmed in on either side by malefics.
(D) If Mars as lord of the 9th joins the 5th lord and malefics occupy Lagna and the trikonas, death of children due to father’s curse should be predicted. In the practical application of these yogas, one should use one’s power of discretion, taking into consideration the fact whether or not the 5th house as such is strongly disposed.