Astrological combinations for a wealthy king.
464. Jupiter in Sagittarius in aspect to a friendly planet, Venus in the ascending sign, and the Moon in Cancer will usher the birth of a king who will construct wells, tanks etc. and be devoted to Brahmins.
465. Even a single benefic in exaltation with pure rays, while a strong Sun alone is in an angle with the aspect of Jupiter from the 5th house will make one a successful king endowed with a number of elephants, revered by one and all.
466. Note if the 6th or the 3rd is in occupation by Mars, Saturn and the Sun – the latter without Moon’s aspect – while Jupiter is in Leo in the 11th house with beneficial aspect. Such a native will become a king who will conquer his enemies with his own mite.
467. Jupiter in Libra ascendant, Venus in Taurus, while there flow a breeze and the other planets are brilliantly placed in the zodiac, the native will be a king.
468 – 469. Pushkala Yoga: Should the lord of the Moon sign in the ascendant lord in an exceedingly friend’s sign, which is an angle from the ascendant, and aspect the ascendant, Pushkala Yoga is formed. One enjoying this Yoga will be a king¬ for ever and will move in all the directions filled with fragrance’ of the ichor of the dead elephants of his subdued adversaries.
470 – 472. (a) If the ascendant lord is in the ascendant and is in the initial part of the sign (Le. first decanate), the native will be the army chief under a king. If in the middle portion, he will be the head of a region. If in the end, he will head over a village.
(b) If the Sun in the ascendant is in Revathi, Poorva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Moola, or Pushya Nakshatra, the person will have a kingdom spreading over a linear distance of one hundred Yojanas.
(c) Venus placed in one ofKrittika, Revathi, Asvini, Svathi and Pushyami will produce a king.
Notes: (a) From this kind of the position of the lord of the ascendant in the ascendant itself, we derive three Yogas with differentiation in effects. The said planet in the first decanate is the most favourable; if in the 2nd decanate comparatively less favourable; and if in the 3rd decanate it is relatively the least powerful. These indicate, thus, progress of a person in various levels.
(b) One among the 4 signs, viz. Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius and Pisces should be the ascendant and the Sun should be in the stipulated Nakshatra. Then the person will be a powerful and wealthy person.
473. (a) If the lord of the Navamsa ascendant is in exaltation in an angle from the natal ascendant, the native will be an emperor.
(b) Should the lords of the Moon sign and natal ascendant join in an angle, the person will be a king.
Notes: The second yoga is inferior to the first mentioned one as could be seen from the effects concerned.