Ayatna Griha Prapta Yogas
Definition.-Lords of Lagna and the 7th should occupy Lagna or the 4th, aspected by benefics-A.
The lord of the 9th should be posited in a kendra and the lord of the 4th must be in exaltation, moolathrikona or own house-B.
Results.-The subject acquires substantial house, property with hardly any effort.
Remarks.-It must be a matter of common experience that some people will never be able to own a house for themselves in spite of their best efforts,
while others will acquire house property with hardly any effort. The causes for such disparity are purely astrological. According to combination A, the lords of Lagna and the 7th should occupy Lagna or the 4th. If there is no aspect by a benefic’ some effort is necessary.