In the horoscope of US Vice President Kamala Harris her lagna lord Mercury is well placed in the 5th house of seat of power and in conjunction with the 3rd lord who is the lord of courage, self effort and communications and also by the aspect of 2nd lord of speech Moon, which is a very auspicious full moon, it is a very powerful rajayoga for fame creativity, diplomacy, position and authority. The 2nd lord Moon is in a very powerful parivartana rajayoga with the labhadhipati 11th lord Mars. The 3rd lord Sun is also in a powerful parivartana rajayoga with the 5th lord Venus. Rahu in lagna and Ketu in the 7th house are both very auspicious and powerful by being exalted. She won the elections during the antardasa of auspicious Mercury placed in her 5th house of seat of power.