Now the effects for the Avastas of the Moon.
222 – 223. The Moon in Nrityalipsa Avasta: One with the Moon in this Avasta will be munificent, will enjoy pleasures, be honourable and rich. He will perform cruel acts, incur long¬duration diseases, suffer from morbid enlargement of legs, be very emaciated, will live in foreign lands, be virtuous and be charitable.
217 – 220. The Moon in Sayana Avasta: (a) First of all, one should look into the planet’s being in exaltation, indebilitation, its being in strength, or without strength, before deriving effects (of Avastas, in general).
(b) The Moon in Sayana Avasta will give the undermentioned effects. The person will be given to anger, be impoverished, covetous and will be slightly affected by rectal disorders. All these should be applied if the Moon is in the ascendant.
(c) In other houses these blemishes will not materialize in full degree.
(d) The Moon being of dark fortnight and in this Avasta will produce the following effects. The person will be miserly, hypocritic, a voracious eater, be very heroic and covetous. He will speak ill of others and will have injuries on the right side of his body caused by fire.
221. The Moon in Bhojana Avasta: One with the Moon in this Avasta will incur danger from snakes, will have great fear from water and will have many relatives.
222.223. The Moon in Nrityalipsa Avasta: One with the Moon in this Avasta will be munificent, will enjoy pleasures, be honourable and rich. He will perform cruel acts, incur long-duration diseases, suffer from morbid enlargement of legs be very emaciated, will live in foreign lands, be virtuous and be charitable.
224 – 225. The Moon in Kautuka Avasta: (a) One with the Moon in Kautuka Avasta will be rich, will have many sons, be liberal, equal to a king and be interested in many branches of learning.
(b) The Moon so placed in the 9th or 10th house will bless one with various kinds of happiness. He will never incur poverty.
226- 227. The Moon in Nidra Avasta: (a) One with the Moon in Nidra Avasta will incur itches all over the body. He will be in grief, sinful and sickly. He will experience abundant sorrow losing his progeny and will ever wander all over the earth. These effects will specially materialize if the Moon is in the 10th house.
(b) The Moon in this Avasta in other houses (than the 10th) will cause results contrary to the above. One will, in addition, be contemptuous of others and will suffer bilious disorders.
228. The Moon in Upavesana Avasta: One with the Moon in Upavesana Avasta will be sickly, without wealth, miserly, crooked and will have injured or broken teeth.
229. The Moon in Netrapani Avasta: One with the Moon in Netrapani Avasta will suffer from diseases of eyes and morbid enlargement of legs. He will be garrulous, wicked and very heroic.
230. The Moon in Prakasana Avasta: One with ‘the Moon in Prakasana Avasta will be wealthy, strong-bodied, miserly and fond of visiting pilgrimages. These effects are for a birth in bright half of the month. In respect of a birth in dark fortnight, results contrary to these will occur.
231. The Moon in Ganiana Avasta: One with the Moon in Gamana Avasta will live in distant lands, be without wealth, will specially indulge in cruel deeds and incur disorders of the head.
232. The Moon in Gamanechcha Avasta: One with the Moon in Gamanechcha Avasta will have various kinds of dispositions, be very cunning, will suffer morbid enlargement of legs and be without riches.
233. The Moon in Sabha Avasta: One with the Moon in Sabha Avasta will be liberal and just”in disposition. He will be equal to a prince and be the best of men.
234-235. The Moon in Aagamana A vasta: (a) One with the Moon in Aagamana Avasta will be garrulous, good-looking, patient and just in disposition and will have two wives. He will have somewhat a weak body, will acquire many daughters and be equal to a king.
(b) A female with this kind of Moon will have only one daughter, be endowed with fame but will suffer much grief.
236-237. The Moon in the 5th or 7th House: (a) The Moon in Bhojana Avastain the 5th or the 7th will cause miserliness of a great order.
(b) The Moon in one of these houses in Nidra Avasta will grant all kinds. of auspicious effects.
(c) Should Rahujoin the Moon who is in the 5th or the 7th house in Nidra Avasta, all kinds of destruction will follow. Further, the person will particularly suffer many blemishes.
These are for the Moon’s Avastas.