147. Satyacharya on Friends & Enemies: From the Moola trikona sign of a planet, the owners of 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 12th are its friends. So also the owner of the sign where a planet can be exalted. Others are not its friends.
Notes: These views are the same as given in my English translation of Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, ch 3, sloka 55. However, the Moon has no enemies, as noted in the notes thereof. For the nodes, see the following.
Rahu: The Sun, Moon and Mars are his enemies. Jupiter; Venus and Saturn are his friends. Mercury is his neutral.
Ketu: The Sun and the Moon are his enemies. Mars, Venus and Saturn are his friend. Mercury and Jupiter are his neutrals.
With this information, we can bring the nodes also under the purview of five-fold relationship.
Bala Bhadra gives the meaning of the verse as under. From the Moola Trikonli sign of a planet, the owners of 12th, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 9th, 5th and exaltation sign are its friends. Thelords of the signs that are not included hereof are the enemies of the planet in question: Among these, the owners of two of the said signs are its friends and owner of one sign is its equal. Since the Sun .and the Moon each own a single sign, they should be treated as friendly planets instead of equals. It goes thus. The Sun’s Moola Trikona is Leo 12th from there is Cancer ruled by the Moon. Since the Moon is the lord of a single sign, she is a friend of the Sun (and not equal or neutral). Similarly the 5th and 8th from Leo are Sagittarius and Pisces, both ruled by Jupiter. Thus Jupiter is a friend of the Sun. The 2n from Leo is Virgo ruled by Mercury. Since Mercury one-sign among the stated ones, he is an equal to the Sun. Venus and Saturn own the signs that are not stated above and hence are the enemies of the Sun. This way, it should be understood for the Moon and others.
148 – 149. Planetary Relationships – Varaha Mihira: Now told are the ways of knowing friendly, neutral and inimical terms among planets, according to Varaha Miliira.
The Sun’s enemies are Saturn and Venus: Mercury is his neutral (or equal). Rest (i.e. the Moon, Mars and Jupiter) are his friends.
The Moon’s friends are the Sun and Mercury. The rest (i.e. Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn) are her neutrals.
The friends of Mars are Jupiter, the Moon and the Sun.
Mercury is his enemy while Venus and Saturn are his neutrals.
Mercury’s friends are the Sun and Venus. The Moon is his enemy. Jupiter Saturn and Mars are his neutrals.
Jupiter’s enemies are Mercury, and Venus. Saturn is his neutral. The Sun, the Moon and Mars are his friends.
Venus has friendship with Saturn and Mercury. Mars and Jupiter are neutral to him. The Sun and the Moon are his enemies.
Saturn is friendly with Venus and Mercury while he is neutral to Jupiter. His enemies are the Sun, the Moon and Mars.
What I have stated are the same as those held by Satyacharya based on the Moola Trikonasign of a planet, observes Varaha Mihira.
150-153. As per the Sun God: In this context, the Sun God also states the same, thus: “My enemies are Saturn and Venus. Mercury is my neutral (or equal). Rest (i.e. the Moon, Mars and Jupiter) are my friends.
“The Moon’s friends are myself and Mercury. The rest (i.e. Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn) are his neutrals.
“The friends of Mars are Jupiter, the Moon and myself. Mercury is his enemy while Venus and Saturn are his neutrals.
“Mercury’s friends are myself and Venus. The Moon is his enemy Jupiter, Saturn and Mars are his neutrals.
“Jupiter’s enemies are Mercury and Venus. Saturn is his neutral. Myself, the Moon and Mars his friends:
“Venus has friendship with Saturn and Mercury. Mars and Jupiter are neutral to him. Myself and the Moon are his enemies.
“Saturn is friendly with Venus and Mercury while he is neutral to Jupiter. His enemies are me, the Moon and Mars.”
Notes: The views quoted hereof are the same as that Varaha Mihira. So also those being given below sourced to Vasishta and Kasyapa. Except for different synonyms used in the composition of their verses, Satya, Varaha Mihira, Sun God, Vasishta and Kasyapa say the same thing.
Bala Bhddra quotes so many sages at the risk of repetition in order to isolate Yavanesvara whose views are radically different from these exponents. This will be seen in the ensuing pages. Bala Bhadra firmly and rightly agrees with Satyacharya, Varaha Mihira and others.
154 – 157. As per Vasishta: Sage Vasishta also holds identical views on planetary relationships as under.
The Sun’s enemies are Saturn and Venus. Mercury is his neutral (or equal). Rest (i.e. the Moon, Mars and Jupiter) are his friends.
The Moon’s friends are the Sun and Mercury. The rest (i.e. Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn) are his neutrals.
The friends of Mars are Jupiter, the Moon and the Sun. Mercury is his enemy while Venus and Saturn are his neutrals.
Mercury’s friends are the Sun and Venus. The Moon is his enemy. Jupiter, Saturn and Mars are his neutrals.
Jupiter’s enemies are Mercury and Venus. Saturn is his neutral. The Sun, the Moon and Mars his friends.
Venus has friendship with Saturn and Mercury. Mars and Jupiter are neutral to him. The Sun and. the Moon are his enemies.
Saturn is friendly with Venus and Mercury while he is neutral to Jupiter. His enemies are the Sun, the Moon and Mars.
These terms have family been stipulated by Lord Brahma, the four-faced God.
158 – 160. As per Kasyapa: Sage Kasyapa again tells us the same kind of planetary relationships, as under.
The Sun’s enemies are Saturn and Venus. Mercury is his neutral (or equal). Rest (Le. the Moon, Mars and Jupiter are his friends.
The Moon’s friends are the Sun and Mercury. The rest (i.e. Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn) are his neutrals.
The friends of Mars are Jupiter, the Moon and the Sun. Mercury is his enemy while Venus and Saturn are his neutrals.
Mercury’s friends are the Sun and Venus. The Moon is his enemy. Jupiter, Saturn and Mars are his neutrals.
Jupiter’s enemies are Mercury and Venus. Saturn is his neutral. The Sun, the Moon and Mars his friends.
Venus has friendship with Saturn ‘and, Mercury. Mars and Jupiter are neutral to him. The Sun and the Moon are his enemies.
Saturn is friendly with Venus and Mercury while he is neutral to Jupiter. His enemies are the Sun, the Moon and Mars.
Sage Narada also holds indent cal views in this regard.
161-162. Incompatible Views: The author says, some writers, that is, Yavanesvara stated a set of natural relationships of planets which are of a kind different from those given earlier. For Yavanesvara has the following to say.
The Sun’s friend is Jupiter. The rest are his enemies.
Jupiter has all others as his friends except Mars. Mars is his enemy.
Mercury has all others as his enemies except the Sun.
The Sun and the Moon are enemies of Venus while the rest are friends of Venus.
The friends of Mars are Mercury and Venus. The rest are his foes.
The Moon’s friends are Mercury and Jupiter. His enemies are other than these two.
Saturn’s allies are Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. The others are his enemies.
These views are incompatible to those held by sages Vasishta, Kasyapa and Narada, and many preceptors like Satyacharya. These are in disregard to Varaha Mihira and others, so observes Bala Bhadra.
163 -165. Temporary relationship: The Sun God states the temporary kind of relationships (as available at a given time) between planets as under.
From a given planet, another placed in the 10th, 11th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd or 12th becomes its temporary ally. A planet in the same sign, or in the 5th, 9th, 6th, 8th or 7th with reference to the planet under consideration comes its foe.
Planets that are naturally and temporarily friendly become bosom friends. Enemies on both counts are dead enemies. When alliance obtains one way, and discord the other way, the planets concerned are neutral. Friendship on one count and equality on another cause friendship between two planets. When equality exists on one count and
discord on the other, the two are inimical to each other.
Notes: The five-fold relationships or details of “Panchadha Sambandha” are shown in speculum No. 31 for an easy grasp. Ultimately in a horoscopic analysis, these should be used and one should not stop at natural terms.
166. Yavanesvara has also stated planetary relationships with emphasis as detailed earlier, thus. From a planet’s Moola Trikona sign, another placed in the 2nd, 10th, 4th, 5th and 12th, and in the exaltation sign of the planet under consideration is his friend.
167-168. As per Kalyana Varma: From a planet under consideration those that are placed in the 12th, 4th, 2nd, 10th 11th and 3rd are its temporary friends. Those occupying the 6th, 8th, 7th, 1st and trines, i.e. 5th and 9th are its temporary enemies. Natural friendship combined with temporary friendship causes deep friendship.
Natural equality with temporary alliance produces friendship. Natural enmity coincidental with temporary friendship gives equality. Two planets with natural enmity and temporary enmity are bitterly inimical. Natural equality with temporary friendship is productivity enmity. Natural friendship with temporary enmity causes equality.
Thus five kinds of relationship between planets should be enumerated and effects declared.