The Navavarana Pooja of Devi (also called Srividya Sadhana) is considered the highest form of Pooja. It is said that in the beginning God, who was one, wanted to become many and enjoy himself. As the first step to creation he created Devi – the total cosmic Female force. For the male part, out of his left he created Shiva, out of his middle he created Brahma and out of his right he created Vishnu. She is more powerful than the Trinities and hence She is called Parashakti or Paradevi – Para meaning beyond. She is the Divine Mother of the universe.
We will be performing this Pooja on the night of Poornima (full moon) which is the best time to perform this Pooja.
The Srividya Navavarana Pooja is called Tantraraj or king of the tantras and Sriyantra is called Yantraraj or the king of the yantras. The fact that the four corners of Sriyantra are guarded by Ganesha, Surya, Vishnu and Shiva is a testimony of how great this Sriyantra is.
It is a detailed ritualistic Pooja which takes about three hours. It involves invoking with beeja mantras, the 64 vatikas, invoking over a hundred Kalas of Agni, Surya, Chandra, Vahni, Brahma, Vishnu, Eswara, Rudra, Sadasiva etc, then another 100+ invocations to the three Manava gurus and several divya gurus,Devi Lalita Tripurasundari’s four Astras (weapons) and her Parivara (retinue) Devis. Then Chatushathyupachara (64 services) pooja, then bathing the Sriyantra/Devi with Panchamrut (mixture of water, milk, curds, ghee and honey) reciting Durga Sooktam, Sri Sooktam, Purusha Sooktam and Rudra Sooktam. It ends with 108 times recital of her Maha Shodasi Mantra – called Mantraraj of king of the mantras.
November 12th, 2019 is the Holy Kartika Purnima – which is also the day of Matsya Avatara, Vamana Avatara and the Avatara of Dattatreya who gave us the Sriyantra Pooja. We will be performing the famous Sriyantra Navavarana Pooja of Devi on this auspicious day. According to all scriptures the Sriyantra Pooja is one which gives “iham and param” – benefits in this world and also in the next world.
You can book Archana to be performed in your name or your near and dear one’s name with the Sankalpa (Specific wish).
Archana cost per person : INR 1600/-
You can also book Archana for one entire year – 12 Poornimas.
Cost of 12 Archanas: INR 16,000/-
You can also book a full Navavarana Pooja exclusively for yourself or your near and dear ones.
Cost: INR 24000/-
We will be performing this Pooja on the night of every Poornima (full moon) which is the best time to perform this Pooja.
Check price in your currency. You can pay by credit or debit card. For direct bank transfer see the “Contact” link on the top bar right corner. Please note that money paid for Pooja services will not be refunded.
Click to know about The date, time, venue, how long it takes, what we send you etc.
You can mention your Sankalpa (Specific wish), your Gotra and Nakshatra in the order form or mail to Those who want to attend the yagya can also contact us for venue details. For any details contact Pandit S. P. Tata on: Mobile: (91)8978953237, 9542095470, 7842505152.