3. Danger to Relatives: If the 5th house is occupied by the Sun, Saturn, the Moon and Mars, the native will lose his parents and brother early.
Notes: That is one way of translation of the verse. However, the following is the right way to beget correct concept, splitting the Yoga into three different ones, as the instruction relates to early loss of three different relatives:
1. The Sun in the 5th with Saturn – early loss of father.
2. The Sun in the 5th with the Moon – early loss of mother.
3. The Sun in the 5th with Mars – early loss of brother (or sister).
4. Early Death: (a) Mars in the ascendant related to a malefic by aspect or, conjunction and unrelated to a benefic will cause early death the child.
(b) The same effect will come to pass if Mars is in the 8th in aspect to or in conjunction with Saturn or the Sun, but with no relation to a benefic by aspect or conjunction.
Notes: (a) If the native overcomes this danger due to other opposite ombirlations, he will be endangered later by blood disorders, hero problems, injuries, accidents etc.
(b) Similarly this yoga will later on turn into a severe blemish for the native’s marital life and his co-born’s wellbeing.