Swaveeryaddhana yogas
Definition.–The Lord of Lagna, being the strongest planet, should occupy a kendra in conjunotion with Jupiter and the 2nd lord should join Vaiseshikamsa-A.
The lord of the sign in which the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the Ascendant lord is, should be strong, and join a quadrant or a trine from the
2nd lord or should occupy his own or exaltation sign -B.
The 2nd lord should occupy a quadrant or trine from the 1st lord or the 2nd lord being a benefic should be either in deep exaltation or in conjunction with an exalted planet-C.
Results.-The subject will earn money by his own efforts and exertions.
Remarks.-Inherited wealth cannot last long nor is it made use of properly. Generally such wealth is squandered a way on pleasures and valueless purposes. The person concerned will have no experience as to how difficult it is to earn money by fair means. On the other hand, wealth acquired through personal effort would be rightly spent or at least not wasted
because of the exertions put forth in making the money. The above three combinations are quite clear and need no clarification.
According to A, the ascendant lord must be the strongest planet in the horoscope and he should be in a kendra in conjunction with Jupiter and 2nd lord in Vaiseshikamsa.
B is somewhat confusing. Lord of Lagna is in some Navamsa. The lord of that Navamsa occupies some sign. Its lord must be disposedin a kendra or
thrikona from the 2nd lord. Suppose Lagna is Kanya and the lord is in Makara Navamsa. The lord ot Makara is Saturn and suppose he occupies (in Rasi) Mesha. Then the lord of this sign, vz., Mars should be in a kendra from Venus, lord of the 2nd.