Now the effects for the Avastas of Saturn.
357.359. Saturn in Sayana Avasta: (a) One with Saturn in Sayana Avastha will be troubled by hunger, distressed and will have diseases of the private parts . He will however increase his wealth.
(b) If this Avasta occurs to Saturn in the ascendant, the 6th or 8th house, the native will ever live in distant lands, be poor and quite bereft of peace.
(c) If the house concerned is the 5th, 9th, 10th or 7th, one will have progeny, be munificent and will enjoy every kind of happiness.
360. Saturn in Upavesa Avasta: One with Saturn in Upavesa Avasta will incur morbid enlargement of feet. He will suffer from itches, loss of wealth and troubles from the king.
361-364½ Saturn in Netrapani Avasta: (a) One with Saturn in Netrapani Avasta in the ascendant or in the 10th house will face obstacles to his undertakings. He will be in grief in many ways.
(b) Saturn will destroy progeny, spouse and wealth if he is in the 7th or 5th in this Avasta. In other houses than these, he will contribute to various kinds of happiness.
(c) Even a fool will become a scholar if Saturn is in this Avasta (other than in the ascendant and the 10th). Further he will be quite wealthy, munificent, will have two wives, will suffer from bilious disorders, be given to anger instantly and will incur diseases of the head, anus and joints and danger from fire and water. If Saturn is in the ascendant or the 10th, contrary effects, but not these, will come to pass.
Notes: (c) Contrary effects, in this particular context, for the ascendant and 10th should not mean that the person will be poor, instead of wealthy; miserly instead of being munificent; will not suffer from bilious diseases instead of suffering from bilious diseases & C. It is simply the ancient’s way of excluding the said two houses.
365-366. Saturn in Prakasa Avasta: (a) One with Saturn in Prakasa Avasta will earn royal favours, be endowed with numerous virtues be charitable, scholarly and pure.
(b) Saturn in this Avasta in the 7th or in the ascendant will cause over-all destruction including that of one’s family.
367. Saturn in Gamanechcha Avasta: One with Saturn in Gamanechcha Avasta will have many sons and much wealth. He will be a scholar, a virtuous and charitable person and be the best among men.
368 . 371. Saturn in Gamana Avasta: (a) One with Saturn in Gamana Avasta will incur morbid enlargement offeet, will be sickly (in some other ways as well), will have injured teeth, be irascible, miserly and will blame others.
(b) One’s progeny and spouse will be destroyed by Saturn in the 5th or the 7th in this Avasta.
(c) Diseases of the sole, visits to shrines and absence of progeny and spouse will result Saturn’s placement in this Avasta.
(d) If Saturn is in Gamana Avasta in the 10th, 7th, 9th or the .12th, the person will enjoy all kinds of happiness. He will be learned and be a lord of wealth.
372.373. Saturn in Sabha Avasta: (a) One with Saturn in Sabha Avasta will be blessed with spouse, progeny and wealth. He will acquire learning from all corners and be endowed with various kinds of precious stones (Le. be wealthy).
(b) Saturn in this Avasta, in an inimical sign with the aspect of an enemy, will cause overall destruction according to Vishnu.
374.376. Saturn in Aagamana Avasta: (a) One with Saturn in Aagamana Avasta in the ascendan will be highly irascible and will incur diseases. He will be “happy” with snakes etc. His co-born will incur untimely danger.
(b) One will be happy in regard to wealth, spouse, progeny and brothers if Saturn is in this Avasta in the 2nd, 3rd, 5th or 7th house.
(c) If in the 9th house, Saturn in Aagamana Avasta will produce repeated obstacles in meritorious (Le. good) deeds.
Notes: (a) The text has some fault in construction in respect of the effect -“happy with snakes” – which should actually indicate something else.
377 – 378. Saturn in Bhojana Avasta: (a) One with Saturn in Bhojana Avasta will have weak digestive powers and will incur piles, colic pains and eye disorders.
(b) Saturn in exaltation or in Capricorn or Aquarius with this Avasta will grant all kinds of happiness and protect the person from all diseases.
379-380½. Saturn in Nrityalipsa Avasta: (a) One with Saturn in Nrityalipsa Avasta will be wealthy in various manners, be charitable, will enjoy many kinds of happiness and be honourable.
(b) Saturn in the 5th house in Nrityalipsa Avasta will kill all the children of the native. These have been once stated by Lord Siva, the Mendicant.
381. 382. Saturn in Kautuka Avasta: (a) One with Saturn in Kautuka Avasta will earn royal favours, be affluent, charitable, will enjoy pleasures be highly skilful, learned and pure.
(b) All-round destruction and acquisition of many diseases will result Saturn’s Kautuka Avasta in the 5th, 7th, 9th or 10th.
383 – 387. Saturn in Nidra Avasta: (a) One with Saturn in Nidra Avasta will be wealthy, scholarly, pure will suffer disorders of eyes and bile and will have two wives and many sons.
(b) Saturn with this Avasta in the 10th house will give special effects (as under). The native will lose his sleep and undertakings, be not virtuous, be troubled by hunger, be grieved, will ever live in foreign lands (out of distress) and will incur diseases. There will be obstacles to his livelihood every now and then. Before declaring these effects, it should be examined whether Saturn is in exaltation, own sign, a trine or an angle. If so, results opposite of these be understood.
(c) Saturn in the 5th or the 7th house with this Avasta will turn into an all-auspicious planet apart from giving two wives and many sons.
Notes: (a) This applies to any house in general.
(b) This applies only to the 10th house which should be none of Saturn’s exaltation, own sign, an angle and a trine,
(c) This applies particularly to the 5th and the 7th house.
These are the effects for Saturn’s Avastas.