95. The weak Moon in the 12th house, malefics in the ascendant, 8th and 7th and no benefics in angles – this Yoga will cause instant death.
96. If the four planets viz. the Moon, Saturn, the Sun and Mars are placed in the 3 houses, i.e. 5th, 9th and 8th houses, unaspected by Jupiter will cause immediate death.
97. The Moon or the Sun in the ascendant while malefics are in trines or angles, unrelated to benefics by union or aspect will also cause instant death of the child.
98. Death in 9th Year: Should the Moon and the Sun be in union with Venus, even Jupiter’s aspect will not save the child but will kill it in the 9th year.
99. One will not survive for long if at birth strong malefic planets join the Moon in the 8th, 7 h, 12th, ascendant, 5th or 9th house.
100. In these relevant Yogas of infantile death, the Moon arriving in the sign occupied by strong, malefic planet (relevant for this Yoga), or in the ascendant or in the Moon sign, in aspect to malefic planet will bring forth the implied death.
Notes: “Subha Drushte” (benefic aspects) should read as “Asubha Drushte” denoting malefic aspects.
101. Death in 5th Year: Each of the following conjunctions of four planets will cause death in the 5th year of age.
– the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Jupiter;
– the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Venus;
– the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Saturn.
102. Death Based on Rasi, Navamsa, Decanate: There will be danger to life in the year indicated by the sign concerned (as counted from Aries) if the ascendant lord is in the 6th house; in the month indicated by the sign concerned if the lord of the ascending decanate is in the 6th house, and on the day concerned indicated by the sign if the lord of the Navamsa ascendant is in the 6th house.
Notes: This useful Yoga should be well-understood thus. Three planets are required to be together in the 6th from the natal ascendant. These are:
(a) The lord of the natal ascendant (indicating year of death).
(b) The lord of the rising decanate (indicating the month of the year concerned).
(c) The lord of the rising Navamsa. (indicating the day concerned).
These three should be in the 6th from ascendant to bring forth the result mentioned.
For example, say in case of a Pisces native, such three planets are in Leo (the 6th house from the ascendant) which is the 5th counted from Aries. The 5th year (after completing 4 full years), the 5th month and 5th day will cause death.
This Yoga applies to only such horoscopes where the life¬span is subject to danger within a period of 12 years.