42. Shad Varga (Six Divisions). Varaha Mihira : Now clarifications about Shad Varga, as per Varaha Mihira. Sign, Hora, Drekkana, Navamsa, Dvadasams and Triinsamsa form Shad Varga. These should be calculated for a given planet (or a degree).
43-44. As per Garga: Garga also states that sign, Hora, Drekkana, Navamsa, Dvadasamsa and Trimsamsa combine is called Shadvarga. If a planet is in three such divisions ruled by it, it should be treated as placed in its own divisions (i.e. three own divisions are minimum requirements). It can be possibly in five such own divisions, but can never be in six own divisions. Thus end the views’ of sage Garga.
45. Sapta Varga (even divisions) stated by Surya: Sign or Rasi Hora, Drekkana, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dvadasamsa and Trimsamsa combine called Sapta Varga.
46. RuIerships: Based on Kalyana Varma’s views, now stated are the details of rulerships of signs and the Navamsas related to various signs. Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn arid Jupiter are respectively the lords of twelve signs (commencing from Aries). Their Navamsas commence from Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius (read Libra) and Cancer.
Notes: The lordships of the various signs go to the seven planets as shown in speculum 12.
As regards Navamsa rulership the original quotation given by Bala Bhadra attributing to Kalyana Varma’s Saravali is found to be erroneous. In the present verse, “Aja Mriga Ghata Karkatadyascha” should actually read as “Aja Mriga Tula (Dhata) Karkatadyascha”, originally given in Saravali. “Ghata” means Aquarius and “Dhata” means Libra (It is only a confusion in transcription and not any error of Kalyana Varma or anybody). The correct version means the Navamsas of the various sign commence from Aries, Capricorn, Libra and Cancer in repeat order. Apparently, it is only an error copying in Hora Ratnam or a certain version of Saravali
The method of calculation of Navathsa is explained below.
Navamsa is one ninth part of a sign or of 30 200 of arc. Each sign has nine Navamsas. Thus nine Navamsas make 30.
The nine Navamsas of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius commence from the sign Aries. That is 1st Navamsa is ruled by Aries/2nd by Taurus, 3rd by Gemini, 4th by Cancer, 5th by Leo, 6th by Virgo, 7th by Libra, 8th by Scorpio and 9th by Sagittarius.
The nine Navamsas of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn commence from Capricorn.
The nine Navamsas of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius commence from Libra.
The nine N avamsas ofCapeer, Scorpio and Pisces commence from Cancer.
47. Importance of a Bhava Lord: All effects related to a horoscope should be declared based on the lords of house. Without these, going even a step ahead is not possible in this great science.
This is in praise of the lord of the ascendant and others (i.e. the lords of other houses).
48-49. Navamsa Calculations as per Garga Jataka: The work Garga Jataka has clear instructions in regard to calculation of Navamasa. The Navamsas of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius commence from Aries, those of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn commence from Capricorn, those of Libra, Gemini and Aquarius commence from Libra and those of
Cancer, Scorpio and pisces commence from Cancer.
One Navamsa is of 30 200 in length. Moor expunging the multiples of 3° 200 the ruler of relevant Navamsa should be found out as explained earlier. The use of Shad Varga as enunciated by sage Garga has already been stated.
50 – 51. Divisions as per Varaha Mihira: Now the divisions of Dvadasamsa, Drekkana, Hora and Trimsamsa, as per Vataha Mihira. A sign is made into twelve equal parts to get Dvadasamsa which commences from the sign itself. Drekkanas fall in the 1st, 5th and 9th from the sign concerned. In odd signs, the two Horas are ruled by the Sun
and the Moon while in’ even signs these are ruled by the Moon and the Sun. 5, 5, &, 7 and 5 are the spans of degrees of Trimsamsa in odd signs ruled by Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus respectively. For even signs, the order of extent and rulers of Trimsamsa be reversed.
Notes : Ancient Sanskrit writers used special terms to maintain secrecy and in order that they are not mutilated in transmission, apart from wit a view to add literary glitter to their writings.
For example take the present verses. “Indriya” denotes 5 as there are five Indriyas or sense organs. “Vasu” denotes 8 as the earth adores eight kinds of wealth and is
known as “Vasundhara”. “Muni” denotes 7 as there are “Sapta Rishis” or seven great sages.
Dvadasamsa is of 2° 30′ of arc and each sign has such 12 divisions, The 1st Dvadasamsa of any sign fall in that sign itself, the 2nd one in the 2nd sign therefrom, the 3rd one in the 3rd sign, so on and so forth; ending with the 12th falling in the 12th sign. Rulers of these divisions are the same as the lords of such signs.
Drekkana or dcanate is one third of a sign, i.e. 10 of arc each. The 1st decanate of a sign falls in that sign itself. The 2nd one falls in the 5th sign from it. The last one falls in the 9th from the first mentioned sign that is, they are distributed among trines.
Hora means of half of the sign that is 15° of arc. In odd signs, the rulers are the SUB and the Meon in order. In even signs, the rulers are the Moon and the Sun. Other planets do not obtain rulership over Horas.
Drekkana, Navamsaand Bora are distributed in more than one way in Jaimini astrology. But those should not be confused with the present ones. Yavanacharya had adopted different yardsticks for Hora etc. from the ones enunciated by Parasara and Satyacharya with which none including Varaha Mihira and Bala Bhadra agreed as could be seen in the ensuing pages.
Trimsamsas are not distributed in equal slabs. Neither these are ruled by the Sun and the Moon from Mars to Saturn the rulership goes in the manner.
It has been stated in Hora Sara that the Trimsamsas of odd signs fall an odd sign and that of an even sign fall in an even sign. It is to be understood that planetary rulerships and spans of Trimsam.sas.in even signs are to be reversed.
Notes: This clue given by Bala Bhadra from Hora Sara (of Prithu Yasas, son of Varaha Mihira) is to know about the rulership of sign for Trimsamsa, or for drawing a Trimsamsa chart. For example, the first five degrees of Aries are ruled by Mars. Aries is an odd sign ruled by Mars. Hence in Trimsamsa chart, this position is to be
marked in Aries itself.
Another example: Scorpio is an even sign. The first five degrees of Trimsamsa are ruled by Venus. Since Scorpio is an even sign, the Trimsamsa of Venus should be marked in Taurus which is an even sign of Venus.
52 – 53. Sruta Kirti (an author so named) also states thus: 5, 5, 8, 7 and 5 are the degrees of Trimsamsa ruled by Mars. Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus in odd signs. 5,7,8,5 and 5 are the degrees of Trimsamsa ruled by Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars in even signs.
54. Deviation by Kalyana Varma : Kalyana Varma states 5, 5, 8, 7 and 5 are the Trimsamsas in an odd sign. In even signs these degrees are reversed. The rulers are Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus”. This is a deviation when the degrees are reversed in even sign, without reversing the lordships simultaneously. Thus a contradiction to Sruta Sruta Kirti’s views (and that of others) takes birth.
Notes: Bala Bhadra’s objection is to Kalyana Varma’s not applying the lordships in a reverse manner in case of even signs whereas he has only reversed the degrees. If Kalyana Varma constructed the second line of the above vase to read as “Kujarkijivajna sukranam yugmeshootkramagathya”, there would be no scope for any doubt.
But going to the extent of attributing a major error to Kalyana Varma is doing injustice to his scholarship.
“One Dvadasamsa is of 20 30′ of arc. One Drekkana is of 10′ of arc. One Hora is of 15′ of arc.” so observes Bala Bhadra, for the sake of clarification.
55. According to Yavanacharya: Here is a variation of lord of Hora and Drekkana as per Yavanacharya. In every sign, its first Hora is ruled by its own lord while its second Hora is ruled by the 11th lord therefrom. As for Drekkana, the first one is ruled by the lord of the very sign, the second one by the 12th lord therefrom, and
the 3rd one by the 11th lord therefrom.
Notes: These views of Yavanas do not ally with any school of thought like Parasara and Satyacharya.
56-57. According to Satyacharya: Satyacharya prefers the earlier mentioned view, viz. the fIrst Hora of an odd sign is ruled by Sun and the 2nd one by Moon. In case of an even sign, the first. Hora is ruled by Moon, and the 2nd one by Sun. Regarding Drekkana, the 1st one is ruled by the lord of the very sign, the 2nd one by the lord
of the 5th and the 3rd one by the lord of the 9th therefrom. Planets in their own Drekkanas become strong.
The Final One: In respect of Hora and Drekkana, most of the sages agree with the above views of Satya Yavancharya’s view is exclusive. Hence it should be rejected.
58. Sage Kasyapa: Horas of an odd sign are ruled by the Sun and the Moon in order, and by the Moon and the Sun in case of even sign. Drekkanas, three in number, are ruled by the lords of 1st, 5th and 9th from the sign concerned.
Notes: The same view is expressed by Narada and Surya in the ensuing verses which are all in agreement with Satya’s instruction. By repeating identical statements, Bala Bhadra establishes Yavancharya’s isolated and unacceptable line of thinking concerning these two rulerships.
59. Narada: Horas of an odd sign are ruled by the Sun and the Moon in order, and by the Moon and the Sun in case of an even sign. Drekkanas, three in number, are ruled by the lords of 1st, 5th and 9th from the sign concerned.
60-61. Surya: Lord Surya mentions in his Surya Jataka “I am the ruler of the first Hora of an odd sign while the Moon is the ruler of the 2nd Hora thereof. These lordships are to be reversed in case of an even sign. The lords of 1st, 5th and 9th from a given sign rule the three Drekkanas ‘thereof.'”
62. Saptamsa: In the science of astrology. Saptamsahas also its own use and is thus explairied according to Lord Surya. The Saptainsas of an odd sign are counted from that very sign and in case of an even sign from the 7th thereof.
Notes: A sign is divided into 7 equal parts, each of 40- 17’ 8″.57 or to be precise 4.285714286 degrees and the counting for odd sign is from the same sign, while for even signs it is from the opposite sign. For example, incase of Aries, the seven Saptamsas are counted from Aries itself ending with Libra. For Taurus; an even sign,
the counting is from Scorpio – its opposite sign – and the last Saptamsa ends with Scorpio. ¬
63. Kalyana Varma: The seven lords of the Saptamsas for the various signs commencing from Aries are the lords of the seven-signs counted respectively from Aries, Scorpio, Gemini, Capricorn, Leo, Pisces, Libra, Taurus, Sagittarius, Cancer, Aquarius and Virgo.
Use of Sapta Varga: Planets in the-various malefic divisions in Sapta Varga produce a cruel person, while in benefic divisions they produce a benign person. From Navamsa, the status of a lost article and from Drekkana about the thief should be understood (in horary astrology).
64. Vargottama Navamsa: The 1st Navamsa of a movable sign, the middle one of a fixed sign and the last one of a dual sign are called Vargottama (the most excellent division). One born with such a Navamsa ascendant will be chief of his race.
Notes: In each sign, one particular Navamsa will give Vargottama Navamsa status to a planet or degree. Hence there are 12 such Vargottama Navamsas in the zodiac.