51. Same: All malefics in the ascendant, Jupiter in the 12th and Mercury in the 6th will cause early end of the baby.
Notes: The involvement of all malefics reed not be literally taken as it is. The Sun should be excluded, as Mercury is required to be in the 6th house. The remaining malefics, i.e. Saturn, Mars and a node in the ascendant should complete the Yoga.
52. Mars in the ascendant, the Sun and Moon in the 7th house (in opposition to Mars as indicated by the term “Sarna Saptama”) and both Jupiter and Venus in the 6th house – this yoga by these five planets will make survival of the child difficult.
Notes: “Sama Saptama” means “mutually 7th from each other”. The Anvaya. for the first line, to avoid confusion, should be written like this: “Bhaume lagne bhaskara seetagoo “. Otherwise taking a Wrong Anvaya or sequence, if the luminaries are seen in the ascendant while Mars is in the 7th, the planet Venus & C cannot be in the 6th leading to an astronomical impossibility.
53. A malefic in the 7th, the Moon in the 12th and Mars in the 8th will all put together cause instant death.
54. Seven Nights of Life: If a child born in dark fortnight has the duo Jupiter and Venus in the 7th house receiving the aspect of threesome, viz. the Moon, Rahu and Saturn, it will live for seven nights.
55. Six Months of Survival: Should Venus be in the ascendant as Saturn and the Moon are in the 8th thereof, the child will not live even for six months.
56. Five Months of Survival: Saturn, Venus and the Sun in the ascendant as Jupiter is in the 12th house will not allow the child live even for 5 months.
57. Hundred Years: Jupiter in the 7th house as Venus is in one of 3rd, 11th, 9th and 5th from the ascendant will bless the native with a hundred years of life-span.
58. Same: (a) Jupiter in the ascendant while Venus is in the 7th will bestow a life-span of hundred years on the native.
(b) Mercury in the ascendant will also give the same effect.
59. Same: Jupiter in the ascendant while Mercury and Venus are in the 8th house will bless the subject with one hundred years of life. This yoga should be unaspected by any malefic planet.
60. Full Length of Life: The Full Moon aspected by a friendly planet and occupying the divisions of a benefic planet or a friendly planet, or the Full Moon in exaltation, or the Full Moon in the 3rd or in the 11th will cause a span of full life.