Ardha Chantlra Yoga, Chandra Yoga
Ardha Chantlra Yoga
Definition.-All the planets should occupy the seventh houses beginning from a Panapara or Apoklima.
Results.-The native will have fair features and will be happy throughout life.
Remarks.-‘There are four Panaparas (cadent houses) and four Apoklimas (succeedent houses). Consequently there are eight kinds of Ardha Chandra
Yogas, the planets occupying (i) from 2nd to 8th, (ii) 3rd to 9th, (iii) 5th to 11th, (iv) 6th to 12th, (v) 8th to 2nd, (vi) 9th to 3rd, (vii 11th to 5th and
(viii) 12th to 6th.
Chandra Yoga
Definition.-All the planets should occupy the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th houses.
Results.–The subject will be a king or an equal to him. He will command respect and submission from others and he will earn and spend well.
Remarks.-Before we have dealt with Samudra Yoga which is said to result by all the planets occupying the even houses, whereas in this regard, all the odd houses must be occupied. The combination is not a rare one. So far as the results are concerned, the Yoga cannot produce rulers or emperors, but
one who has this combination would certainly become an entity amongst his own people.