85. Early Death: Even gods cannot save the child from early death who has its Moon in the 7th, 4th or 8th house between two malefic planets.
86. Same: Ensure no benefics are in any angle. Then the Moon should be in the 12th, 8th, 7th or the ascendant aspected by malefics but not benefics. As a result, the child will die early.
87. Vajra Mushti Yoga: The ascendant should be Scorpio. Malefics in the oriental half, and benefics in the western half will then eliminate the life of the child early.
Notes: Oriental half of the horoscope is from the meridian to the cusp of the 4th house, through the ascendant. Western half is from the meridian to the 4th house via the 7th house.
88. Early Death: According to Yavana school of thought, the life of the child will be endangered if weak Moon is in the ascendant while the angles are captured by malefic planets.
89. Same: Birth should be in morning or evening twilight (Sandhya) Malefics should be in the end of the signs which are angular and should join the Moon. Such a child will not survive.
90. Same: The Moon in the ascendant, 7th or 8th in between two malefic planets and unaspected by strong benefics will cause immediate death.
91. Death along with Mother: According to Satyacharya, malefics in the 7th and 8th in aspect to other malefics will kill both the mother and the child. If benefics, instead of malefics, aspect this Yoga, only the mother will die because of diseases (but the child will survive).
92. Same: If the Moon involved in an eclipse (solar or lunar) is in the ascendant along with a malefic planet (apparently in addition to a node and the Sun) as Mars is in the 8th house, the child will die along with its mother (in the delivery chamber). The Sun replacing the Moon as above will kill both through weapon (or surgery).
93. Weak Moon in the ascendant as malefics are in angles and the 8th will instantly kill the child, provided benefics keep away from this Yoga.
94. Instant death of the child will occur:
– if the Sun is in the 7th house while the ascendant is occupied by Saturn or Mars,
– or if the Sun is in the ascendant while Mars or Saturn is in the 7th house,
– or if the Moon joins Saturn or Mars and receives malefic aspects.