Dwadasa Sahodara Yoga
Definition.-If the 3rd lord is in a kendra and exalted Mars joins Jupiter in a thrikona from the 3rd lord, the above yoga is caused.
Results.-The native will be the third out of the twelve brothers (and sisters) he will have.
Remarks.—The yoga is typical inasmuch as it is rare. The original construction is confounding. But it can be reduced to the simple proposition that in respect of Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, the 3rd lord should be in a kendra and Mars and Jupiter in conjunction in Capricorn. The other signs are to be omitted because the 3rd lord cannot occupy a kendra which should be a place of trine from Capricorn. When Mars is expected to be in Swa-occha with Jupiter, then the only possible place would be Capricorn. This should be a trine from the position of the 3rd lord, who in his turn should have occupied a kendra from Lagna. Taking Aries, lord of the 3rd is Mercury. He cannot occupy a kendra consistent with such a kendra being a thrikona from Mars-Jupiter combination which as per the requirements of the yoga is a fixed point. Taurus has to be rejected for the same reason. Gemini is a possibility because the yoga can arise by the Sun occupying Virgo. Cancer has to be ignored while for Leo, Venus can occupy
Taurus. Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius cannot be thought of as the lord happens to be either Mars or Jupiter. For Scorpio, Saturn can occupy Taurus and for Sagittarius the suitable place is Virgo. Thus the yoga is as limited in its application as it is rare in its occurrence. It is important to remember that in interpreting yogas bearing on the number of children, brothers, etc., one has to carefully take note of the correct social conditions, the facilities available to regulate the birth of children, etc.