Now the remedies for (certain) evil phenomena.
210-212. The Phenomena. A birth that occurs in any of the following phenomena, viz. Thithi Kshaya,- Vyatipata, Vyaghata, Vishti, Vaidhruti; Sula, Ganda, Parigha, Varigha, Yamaghanta, Mrityu Yoga, Kaladanda, and Daruna yoga in combination with Gandanta will be highly inauspicious. The astrologer should analyse all these and
suggest required remedies.
213-215. Remedies: Gods and Nava Grahas (nine planets) should be worshipped following which lamps should be lit in a temple of Lord Shiva with ghee turned out of cow’s milk Ritual bathing for Lord Shiva and circumambulation of the holy fig tree should be undertaken. To conclude, feeding of Brahmins attended by Gaanapathyam (fire sacrifice for Lord Ganesa), Purusha Sukta, Saura Sukta, Mrityunjaya and Shanti Sukta should be performed. As a result, the child will be endowed with longevity.
Thus end remedies for Evil Phenomena by junior Garga.
216. Here are mentioned the remedies suggested by later Garga (of Vridhdha Garga or senior Garga) for Vaidhruti yoga, vyatipata yoga and solar ingress. The child born in Vyatipata Yoga or Vaidhruti Yoga or during solar ingress into another sign will be the cause of penury for the family. As for solar ingress, the duration of blemish will exist for births occurring before and after 16 ghatikas of the Sun’s entry. Vaidhruti and Vyatipata births are known as Mahapata.
217- 228. (a) To ward off these blemishes, remedial measures should be sought the first of which is palliatives for Nava Grahas (nine planets) attended by “Gomukha Prasava”. After these two rituals, the remedy should be continued as stated below.
(b) The eastern part of the house should be cleansed with cow-dung and after decorations a heap of grains should be arranged. The heap should consist of five Dronas (an ancient measurement) of grains rice half the quantity of grains, and sesamum half the quantity of rice. On this heap, an Ashta Patra (i.e. Ashta Dala, eight- petalled lotus) should be drawn. Then, hymns wishing the child a happy day (“Punyaaha Vachana”) should be recited.
(c) Honouring the priest, the sacred pot covered, sans blemish, with a pair of clothes should be installed on the lotus and filled with water collected from sacred rivers. The following should be added in the pot roots of medicinal plants, Pancha Pallava, Pancha Gavya (as explained vide sloka 60- 62, ch 2) and five gems (vide sloka 77 -79, ibid). The pot should be covered with a fin cloth.
(d) Installation of the images of chief deity, presiding deity and secondary deity should be done as prescribed – that is the deity for Vaidhruti should be placed in the centre, the idol of the Moon on one side, and that of the Sun on the other side. Similarly in case of remedy for Vyatipata as well as solar ingress, the image of its deity should be in the centre. The Sun is the presiding deity while the Moon is the secondary deity.
(e) The deities installed should be worshipped along with Vyahriti (vide notes under sloka 127 – 131, ch. 2) and the concerned Mantras. The Mantras are – “Trayambaka” for the chief deity, “Utsurya” for the Sun God, and “Aapyaayasva” for the Moon God.
(f) The next step is to recite “Saura Sukta” for 1008 times, or 108 times or 28 times followed by recitals of Mantras, “Aano Bhadra”, “Bhadra Agno” and “Purusha Sukta”. During these recitals, the sacred pots in all the four directions should be touched. “Trayambaka” Mantra should be recited with offers of fire-wood, ghee and oblations. Again, the Mrityunjaya Mantra should be recited for 1008 times, 108 times, or 28 times offering sesamum in the sacrifice. This should be followed by Vedic Mantras, viz. “Samudra’ Jyeshta”, Aapohishta”, “Aksheebhyaam” “Pavamana Sukta”, “Trayambaka”, “Utsuryena”, “Aapyaayasva” etc. Pauranika Mantras (i.e. the Mantras laid down in Puranas) like “Suraastvaam abhishinchantu” should also be recited. After these the idols should be offered ritual bath. In the end, gifts should be given away as prescribed earlier.
These remedies have been stated by junior Garga for Vaidhruti Yoga & C.
Now stated are remedies for birth in Kuhu Cinivali and Darsa.
For birth in the first Prahara of Amavasya (one eighth part of New Moon), the palliative of palliative of Cinivali should be done. For the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th parts, Darsa Shanti should be done. And for birth in 7th and 8th parts, Kuhu Shanti should be done. These three divisions of New Moon are only for remedial purposes while in other cases, it is only of two classes, viz. Cinivali and Kuhu.
Notes: The duration of New Moon is divided into eight equal parts. The 1st of these is known as Cinivali and the 7th and 8th ones as Kuhu. The other five intermediate parts are called Darsa.
229 – 232. Remedies: (a) If a birth occurs to a female, or to a quadruped (pet bitch, cat, mare etc.), or a cow or a buffalo in the Cinivali part of Amavasya, the wealth of the owner (of the family) will be destroyed. Let him be Lord Indra, the leader of gods. Such living beings – bird, cow etc. – patronized by the individual concerned should be abandoned but not others, i.e. females. The author clarifies that the word “Dvija” denotes a bird.
(b) Birth in the part of New Moon, called Kuhu, is capable of causing abundant blemish. Life-span and wealth will be its targets. Hence, barring a female, others should be abandoned. In case one is not willing to abandon the cow and others, suitable remedies be sought with full devotion.
Notes: (a) Animals and birds patronized by an individual are also a source of loss of wealth in the above cases. & such, these should be abandoned. Suitable remedies should be done in case of a human birth, for a female cannot be just abandoned.
The word “Dvija” denotes a Brahmin as well as a bird which is oviparous. Dvija means one that takes birth twice. A Brahmin is reborn with his sacred thread ceremony. A bird is born twice, once in the form of an egg and again after incubation. In the present analysis, the word Dvija indicates a bird.
235 – 241. Detailed Phases of Remedy: (a) A white coloured idol of Lord Siva riding on the Divine Ox (Nandi) with four arms should be got made adoring a Trident and a sword with postures of granting fearlessness and fulfillment of desires The idol should be robed in white. The worship should be commenced with “Trayambaka” Mantra.
(b) The second step is: The idol of Lord Indra should be obtained thus. He should be riding on an elephant, should have four arms with thunder-bolt, hook (of an elephant’s driver), noose and arch and be in red robes. Lord Indra should be worshipped with Mantras like “Yata lndra”.
(c) In the third place, the image of manes in black colour, with four arms riding a plane should be got done. The four arms should adore a staff, a rosary of Eleocarpus seeds, a water-jar (used by ascetics) and a posture of warding off fear”: Mantras like “Ye Satyaa” should be recited in the worship.
(d) As stated earlier, the sacred pot s40uld be installed and worshipped.
(e) Using fire-wood, ghee, oblation (made of rice & C), sesamum, the pulse Phaseolus radiatus, mustard and fIrewood of holy fig tree and Butea Frondosa, the fire sacrifice should be done. Trayambaka and other Mantras should be recited offering sesamum in the sacrifice.
(f) In conclusion, the idol of Lord Siva should be offered a ritual bath, and seeing one’s image in ghee coupled with other parts of remedies (as prescribed earlier) should be done.
These are the remedies for Kuhu and Cinivali.
242. Remedy for Darsa: A child borh in the Darsa portion of New Moon (vide the authors’ comments right before sloka 229, of this chapter) will be a source of poverty to its parents. Narada, I now give certain remedies hereunder (so says Uttara Garga).
243 – 244. (a) Firstly’ the aspirant should take Samkalpa (a solemn vow for ritual observance) and install the sacred pots as stipulated earlier. The pot should be filled with milk, ghee, curd etc., the roots of the trees – banyan, holy fig, mango and neem and the five gems (vide slokas 77-79, of this chapter). Then the pot should be enclosed in a pair of robes.
(b) The pot should be purified with recitations of Mantras like “Sarve Samudra”, “Aapo Histhta”, “Kayaanaschitram”, “Yatkinchendram” and “Samudra Jyeshta” and should be placed in the eastern side of the sacred fire.
245 – 247. Beautiful idols of the Moon God and the Sun God representing the deities of Darsa should be got made of gold or silver or copper. These should be worshipped with Mantras ¬”Aapyaayasva” and “Savita paschaat” with Upacharas or homages (vide slokas 96-108, chapter 2). After this, the Sun God should be worshipped with fire-
wood and oblations. The Moon God should be worshipped with “Somo Dhenu” and other Mantras recited for 108 or 28 times.
248. Ritual bathing of the idols should be performed as prescribed earlier. Gold, black cow, silver etc. should be given to Brahmins in donation. They should be fed in conclusion attended by a call for their blessings.
Thus ends remedy for blemish of Darsa.
249.251. Krishna Chaturdasi: Now remedy for birth on the 14th day of Dark Half (Krishna Paksha Chafurdasi). Six different kinds of effects are laid down for such births. The Thithi in question should be made into six equal parts. The 1st one will give auspicious effects. The 2nd one will betoken (early) death of father and the 3rd of the mother. Maternal uncle will be endangered in case of birth in the 4th part. The 5th one will disrupt the growth of dynasty while the 6th will destroy wealth. All efforts should be made to get the blemish remedied.
252 – 260. (a) An idol of Lord Siva, characterized by all auspicious divine attributes and seated on the Divine Ox should be got made with one Karsha (a certain ancient weight) of gold, or half or quarter of a Karsha. The deity should possess postures of warding off fear and granting boons. The robes and garlands he adores should be pure crystal-white.
(b) The said deity should be offered worship with “Trayambaka” Mantra, after installing the sacred pot as stated for Mula Nakshatra.
(c) Next, the deity should be invoked with Varuna Mantra. The pot placed in south-east should be worshipped with Mantras like “Imam Me”, “Tatvaayaami”, “Tvanno Agne” and “Satvanno”. “Apano Bhadra”, “Bhadra Agne Sukta” and “Purusha Bukta” should also be recited. Mter these, the image of Lord Siva should be offered a ritual bath
followed by worship of Nava Grahas using fire-wood, ghee, oblations, sesamurn. mustard and firewood of holy fig tree etc., fire-sacrifice should be done for 1008, 108, 28 or 8 times.
(d) Nava Grahas should be worshipped with Trayambaka Mantra and Vyahriti (vide notes under slokas 127 – 131, ch.2) offering sesamum. Rest of the rituals, viz. seeing image in ghee etc. should be completed as stated earlier.
261-262. Births in Identical Nakshatras: Now stated are remedies for birth in identical Nakshatras. Should there be a birth in the natal Nakshatra of a brother or father, it will cause (untimely) death of the subject or the concerned relative. In this regard, sage Vasishta states that a child taking birth in the Nakshatra of its father or mother will be the cause of death of father or mother. The same effect will come to pass if the child is born with a parent’s natal
263. As per Deva Kirti, birth of a girl in the Nakshatra of parents is prohibited. For he states, children (i.e. a boy or a girl) born in the birth Nakshatra of a parent (mother or father) will be a source of destruction of the concerned parent. Birth of children in a Nakshatra contrary to this will make them dear to parents.
Notes: Bala Bhadra’s introduction deals with only the girl child. But Deva Kirti’s verse covers both the male issue and female issue.
Also refer to slokas 549 – 552 of this chapter for additional information, including clarification for sloka 264 below.
264-270. Remedies: Sage Garga states that one born in the Janma Nakshatra of parents or brother (?) will destroy the concerned person. Hence I state the remedies which have been acceptable to all preceptors.
On the north-east side of the sacred fire, install the image of the Nakshatra (should read as the presiding deity of the Nakshatra) which should be covered with a red cloth. Then it should be enclosed in a pair of clothes. The sacred fire should be lit according to one’s family tradition and relevant Mantras should be recited for 108 times. Firewood and ghee should be offered by the concerned persons born in the same Nakshatra. Then the parents and the child should be provided with ritual bath. The performer should please the priest with clothes, jewels etc. Three units of gold should be gifted to each of the participants accompanied by image of god, grains, clothes, conveyances, cot, bed etc. At the end, the performer should liberally feed Brahmins.
271-276. Now mentioned is the remedy for birth of a boy after three consecutive girls or birth of a girl after three consecutive boys. In case of such a birth, the parents and the dynasty will suffer greatly. Either on the 11th day or the 12th of the birth, or on any other auspicious day, one should honour the preceptor and his attendants and perform palliative for Nava Grahas. Sacred pots should be placed ob a heap of grains. Upon these pots, the images of Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Indra should be installed (i.e. the four images on four different pots).
Touching the 5th pot, 11 recitals of Rudra Japa and 4 recitals of Rudra Sukta along with recitals of various Santi suktas should be performed. Fire- wood, ghee, oblations (of rice etc.), sesamum and porridge should be offered with 1008, 108 or 28 recitals, invoking Lord Brahma etc. and Navagrahas. Seeing one’s image in ghee along with other rituals should be done as stated earlier.
Thus ends the remedy for birth of a son after three daughters or birth of a daughter after three sons.
Now remedies for unfavourable deliveries.
277-279. As per Vasishta: Sage Vasishta has stated that destruction will follow a female’s delivering before or after schedule, or on undue date. So also when there is a delivery of two children. Births of embryos that are not of human beings (i.e. of quadrupeds etc.), peculiar births of birds, births with excess, deficiency or complete absence of limbs, without a head, with two or three heads, without face, and with the resemblance of a bird betoken the destruction of the family or region concerned. Within three months there will be change of ruler in that region or country giving way to installation of another ruler.
280 – 285. (a) As per Sage Garga: If a woman delivers a baby prior to attaining proper age, or with 4 legs, or with unduly big or unduly small figure, it will be inauspicious. So also when the birth is of a child without face with appearance resembling that of a bird or with half-male form. Mare, elephant or cow yielding two calves will cause change of the ruler after six months. The female concerned should be sent to another country for the sake of welfare, or ritual remedies should be undertaken as mentioned earlier.
(b) Special fire sacrifice should be arranged and “Praajaapatya” Mantra should be recited with offers of firewood, ghee and oblations. Palliatives for Nava Grahas should also be undertaken. These will ward off the evils. An atheist or miser not performing the remedies will surely incur evil effects.
Thus end remedies for unfavourable births.
286 – 289. Solar & Lunar Eclipses: Now about remedies for birth at the time of solar and lunar eclipses.
(a) A girl attaining puberty or a female giving birth to a child at the time of an eclipse of the Sun or the Moon will incur diseases. For the benefit of men; I give below suitable remedies.
(b) Note the ruling Nakshatra (i.e. the one occupied by the Moon) at the time of an eclipse. An idol of the presiding deity of the relevant Nakshatra, made of gold, should be got made. This should be done without miserliness and within one’s resources.
(c) Another idol made of gold in case of solar eclipse, and of silver in case of lunar eclipse should also be got made.
(d) Rahu’s idol made of lead should be the 3rd one.
290-304. (a) An auspicious location should be selected which should be cleansed with cow-dung. On this surface, grain particles should be spread. The said three idols, enclosed in robes should be placed on these grains.
(b) For solar eclipse, the items that are dear to the Sun God including red coloured rice, red sandal, red flowers and red robes should be given away in gift. If it be lunar eclipse, the items dear to the Moon God along with white rice, white sandal, white flowers and white robes should be donated. To please Rahu (in case of either eclipse), black flowers, robes etc. should be gifted away.
(c) The presiding deity of the Nakshatra should be anointed with sandal paste. The Sun God should be worshipped with Mantras like “Aakrishnena”. For the Moon God, the firewood of “Butea Frondosa”; for Rahu-Durva grass and for the presiding deity – the firewood of holy fig tree should be used in the fire sacrifice. Ghee, oblations and sesamum should also be offered. Five products of the cow, five gems, five sprigs and roots of medicinal plants should be mixed with water in the sacred pot with which the performer should take ritual bath with recitals of Mantras like Varuna Mantra, Apohistadi, Imam Me Gange, and Tatuaayaami.
(d) After the said bathing, the performer should worship the priest with a peaceful disposition and should donate to him the three idols along with gifts. Brahmins should be fed and their blessings sought.
(e) On performing these various remedies, fear of untimely death, grief, sickness and such other ills will disappear. Happiness, mental stability and incessant prosperity will occur.
These remedies have been told to sage Saunaka by sage Bhargava.
Thus end the remedies stipulated by sage Saunaka for Warding of blemishes due to birth on eclipse days as well as remedies for births in prohibited time phases.