10. Same: Malefics in the ascendant and the 7th house while the Moon (anywhere) joins another malefic without a beneficial aspect will bring forth instant death of the child.
11. Same: Declining Moon in the ascendant and malefics in angles/8th house, without benefic interference, will kill the child early.
The following slokas from 24 to 39 are from Sukra Jataka.
24. Birth in Rasi Sandhi: A child born in Rasi Sandhi with a malefic’s aspect or company will not live for long.
Notes: This is different from Lagna Gandanta which relates to Cancer – Leo, Scorpio – Sagittarius and Pisces – Aries where a malefic involvement is not specified. In the present Yoga, the ascendant can be between the last degrees of any sign and the initial degrees of the following sign. Thus, it covers all the 12 signs. The additional requirement is a malefic’s effective involvement.
For more information, see sloka 40, chapter 1, ( pp 13 and 14) with detailed notes in Jyotisharnava Navanitam, English translation by R. Santhanam.
25. Diseases: If the Moon and the Sun are together in the 3rd house, owned by a malefic planet, and are further conjunct a malefic planet, the child will suffer from diseases, apart from vitiation of the three bodily humours.
Notes: Diseases are referred to in general on the one hand. On the other hand, reference to vitiation of the three humours indicates death-dealing diseases; brain haemorrhage and delirium are the possible inclusions.
26. Instant Death: The Moon in the 8th in Cancer along with malefic planets will bring forth early end.
27. Death within Ten Days: If the 7th house is occupied by Mars and the Sun, while Rahu rises in the ascendant will kill the child within ten days of its birth.
28. Early Death: An evil planet hi the decanate rising in the 7th house and the weak Moon in the ascendant will kill the child early.
Notes: Evil planet in the rising decanate of the 7th should be understood thus. In whichever decanate the 7th cusp falls, the occupant should also be in such decanate. For example, the 7th cusp in the 11th degree of Taurus and an evil planet is in the 15th degree there. Both these will fall in Virgo decanate. In the same case, suppose Taurus 11th degree is the 7th cusp; the evil planet is in the 9th degree. Then the 7th cusp falls in Virgo, but the evil planet remains in Taurus decanate not fulfilling the condition.
Yamatru – the original Sanskrit term meaning “son-in-law” has later turned in the hands of Yavanas, Varaha Mihira etc. into “Jamitra” and “Yamitra” .