The native will be of good intellect and will hold an executive post in a Government concern. His father will be a devotional type of person and will have won name and fame. The native will be devoted to his profession. Saturn in the house of Mars, conjunct Ketu indicates that the field of profession is one of machines. He will at first hold an ordinary job, have improvement between 21-28 and attain a good position at 30 and enjoy life then. He will rise further at 33-34, and earn a great deal between 35-40 years. At the_ age of 45-46, he will own a house. Between 51 and 52 years he will have pleasant ceremonies in his house (marriage etc.,). He will have 5-6 children-two of whom will be boys. They will hold a very high positions. Between 52 and 60 the native will have another big lift in his career. At 57-58 one boy and one girl will achieve high positions. He will visit pilgrim centres between 51-52.Between 59 and 63, his wife will suffer from heart trouble. His children will gain great fame. He will live upto a good old age of 75-76.