Buddhi Jada Yoga
Definition.-If the lord of the Ascendant is conjoined with or aspected by evil planets, Saturn occupies the 5th and the lord of Lagna is aspected by Saturn,
the above yoga is caused.
Results.-The person will be a dunce. Remarks.-All the various yogas enumerated in these pages comprehend two basic conditions, vz.,
(l) the benefic disposition of the karaka, lord or bhava of the signification concerned and, (2) affiiction to either or all of the three factors concerned.
Since each bhava comprehends more than one event, one should very carefully analyse the bhava concerned in order to locate the particular event involved in an affiiction or benefic disposition. In the yoga under consideration which is supposed to indicate dullness of intellect, a connection is envisaged between Saturn, Lagnadhipathi and the 5th house.
The same combination is also capable of a different interpretation, viz., the death of children. But if Jupiter, the karaka for children, is well placed, the
person may have children who may remain dunces. Intellectual bankruptcy is not the sole monopoly of people having no issues. What I wish to impress upon my readers is that a snap-shot judgement because
a certain yoga if present, is always a dangerous thing. A beginner should never attempt predictions where he will be required to deal with the house of children, house of death or house of wife, until he has gained sufficient practical experience.