Article by ex IIT Prof. Dr. A. P.Rao
Thermodynamics is dealt in many subjects like physics chemistry mathematics and even life sciences and explains micro cosmos to macro cosmos. Knowledge of thermodynamics is essential for all activities-power generation, atomic power, all chemical products, knowledge of cosmos and even understanding of biological evolution. But it has only three fundamental laws – even though they may be expressed in many forms and have many corollaries. The first law says that energy can neither be created nor destroyed and can be converted from one form to other. The second law introduces the concept of efficiency in the conversion. It states that whenever any energy conversion occurs it has inherent inefficiency. This inefficiency is called “Entropy” or in other words all activities – natural or by human effort – are inherently inefficient.
The third law attempts to define the idealistic conditions when this inefficiency or entropy can be zero. It says, “The entropy of pure crystalline substances at absolute zero temperature is zero”.
To understand the laws a little deeper – activity can be taken as nothing but motion. The motion can be at subatomic level to galactic level of thousands of km per sec. All activities are nothing but motion. All changes are new positions as a result of these motions. Physical properties like temperature, pressure etc are only a measure of these motions. All chemical equations – all our day-to-day products of are the result of these motions. Human activity just follows these laws. All human effort is nothing but spending of energy. As
Adi Shankara defined whole world is the manifestation of energy or Sakthi. The thermodynamic boundary in which the Sakthi plays the role is the Purusha or Siva.
All activities of doing karma are only spending of energy – or rather converting it from one form to other with the mass energy equality. One can get any purushardha or desire fulfilled by converting ones energy. Here comes the nature of human efficiency. Basically man is a lazy animal driven by basal needs. More the basal approach in life more will be the inefficiency or entropy. Thus one may spend 100 units of energy but if the efficiency is only 1 % – one spends 1 unit of energy. Thus the attitude while doing karma determines the efficiency or entropy and hence controls the result. It is not only how much energy one is spending – but it is important to see that the energy has good efficiency or low entropy. This efficiency factor is called in Hindu system as Dharma or Righteous path. As this Dharma controls the efficiency of effort dharma heads the list of purushardhas. It is because of the role of dharma, Hinduism is defined by the simple word “ Sanatana Dharma”.
Thus all human efforts are conditioned by an inherent factor of inefficiency.
To answer the question if future is fatalistic or deterministic one has to analyze his effort and more importantly the inefficiency in the effort (One can call this selfish attitude, entropy or basal nature). As long as ones effort and efficiency is not good enough the result will not come and hence future becomes fatalistic. The quantity of energy may be linked with Agami karma while its efficiency can be linked with samcita. As long as there is no effort or sadhana the future is fatalistic – Even if the effort is great as long as it is not righteous (Dharmic) the samchita karma cannot be changed and hence future is fatalistic. But with right approach of sadhana (Spending energy) and with good attitude and efficiency (changing Samcita) the future is definitely deterministic. It is this attitude that Lord Krishna preaches in Gita as “ Karmanyeva Adhikarsthe Ma Phaleshu Kadacana” Right effort and right attitude of doing karma with out aspiring the fruit is the most efficient and easiest way of making future deterministic and thus realizing God.
The third law of Thermodynamics deals with the asymptotic and idealistic state, which can be aimed but not reached. Activity or motion has built in inefficiency. At the lower end of energy spectrum only at no motion state of absolute zero temperature the entropy is zero and all actions fructify fully. It is like the state of creation when Siva and Sakthi indulge in the dance of Pranaya for creation or the state of samadhi of realizing the identity of jeevatma and Paramatma. It is the Sthita prajna state of Gita.
At the other end of the energy spectrum – where inter molecular forces cease to function only chaos results in the so called fourth state of matter of nucleonic state when Siva and Sakthi indulge in the dance of “Prayala” or total destruction. The human effort lies between these two extremes – one aiming for the asymptotic idealistic state and the other chaotic state. The direction and efficiency of ones own effort in this spectral line determines if the future is fatalistic or deterministic.
This principle operates in all our daily efforts. If one can spend the energy required with necessary efficiency one can change the future by his efforts.
The emphasis is not on the quantum of energy but the efficiency put in. The product of these two lies with the individual but the applicability of third law – the idealistic condition which is the domain of God. This is like the famous Heisenberg’s Uncertainity principle. So good karma or good sadhana will lead to elevation in small quanta if not in a day but in a few janmas. By this one can definitely control ones future. This is aptly said in the sentence “Yat Bhavoo Tat Bhavati” How one conceives (Plans or imagines) so it will happen. So future is deterministic if one tries for it and lives for it.