The Sun in Capricorn: The subject with the Sun in Capricorn at birth will be of destroyed virtues, i.e. be not virtuous. He will be ever interested in performing evil deeds and be less energetic. He will have a dislike for things of beauty.
Notes: “Vipanna Seelam” needs a correct interpretation. Vipanna means one that is destroyed or ruined. Thus “Vipanna Deha” means “ruined body”; “Vipannartha” means destroyed fortunes; “Vipannapathyaa” means a female whose progeny is ruined by abortion, miscarriage etc. Hence, the native with the Sun in Capricorn will be bereft of good qualities.
One with the Sun as above will feel excessive thirst, will eat abundantly, be industrious, devoid of kinsfolk, and be associated with a questionable woman. His progress will be through questionable deeds.