Now Yogas for evils to mother.
179. (a) Malefics in angles and trines will bring forth danger to mother in the 7th year.
(b) If there be a malefic joining another malefic in the 4th from Venus, one’s mother will be destroyed.
Notes: From sloka 179 to sloka 183 infra, no authority is mentioned by Bala Bhadra.
Now from Vriddha Garga Jatakam (upto sloka 224).
180. A strong malefic planet in the 4th house from ascendant, and yet another malefic planet in an angle from the 4th house will endanger the mother early.
181. Mars in the 6th or the 8th house from the Moon aspected by a malefic will kill the mother early while the father of the child will go away to a distant land (discarding the child).
182. The mother of the child will die early in the following circumstances.
(a) In case of night birth, Saturn in the 5th or 9th from the Moon in aspect to a malefic planet.
(b) In case of day birth, Mars in the 5th or 9th from Venus in aspect to a malefic planet.
183. Mars in the 7th house while the Moon is in the 6th or the 8th house will cause early death of the mother and will consign the father to a distant land.
184. If the Moon is effectively aspected by three malefic planets, destruction of mother will occur early while benefics aspecting the Moon will cause good to the mother.
185. If the 2nd house is occupied by Rahu, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and the Sun, the child will lose its mother instantly while father would have died before the birth of the child.
186. If the Moon along with a malefic planet is in the 6th or the 8th from another malefic planet receiving the aspect of a third malefic, the mother will be endangered.
187. If the Sun is in the 7th house either in exaltation or in debility, the child will be deprived of its mother’s milk in childhood and will be fed by goat’s milk.
188. A malefic should be in an inimical sign which is the 4th from the Moon while angles from the ascendant are bereft of benefics. Then the mother will die early.
189. Danger to Parents: (a) If the 12th and 6th are simultaneously occupied by malefic planets, early danger to mother will occur.
(b) The 4th and 10th thus in occupation by maletic planets will endanger one’s father early.
190. Danger to Family: Evils to the whole family will persist as the ascendant, 2nd 12th and the 7th are all occupied by malefic planets.
191. The mother will not survive if the ascendant, 2nd and 3rd are in order occupied by Jupiter, Mercury and Rahu.
192. Loss of Mother in six Months: The child will lose its mother within six months of its birth if malefics are found in the 5th and the 9th places from the weak Moon, without any help from benefic planets.
193. The child will not survive for long even if its brought up by two mothers if Saturn and Mars are together in an angle from the Moon and obtain one and the same Navamsa for themselves.
Notes: In this Yoga, if Saturn and Mars fall in two different Navamsas, danger should not be foretold. The Navamsa conjunction thus attains importance.