The Koota matching chart for Horoscope matching / Marriage matching, based on the highly reliable South Indian Dasa Koota system, will give you the matching compatibility score of the boy and the girl. For this you need the Nakshatra or the birth star of the boy and the girl. If you don’t know the Nakshatras, you can check by using the free Nakshatra calculator or the free birth chart calculator provided on this site.
Before you start jumping to any conclusions, let me tell you that for marriage purpose both the horoscopes must be thoroughly matched by an experienced astrologer. This is done based on the planetary combinations of the ascendant or lagna, all the 9 planets, the nakshatra or birth star based koota/guna matching, mangala dosha and also the navamsa charts matching. Marriage is a life long association and must be taken seriously.
However to get a rough general idea you can check the matching of the Five Astro-signs – the sun sign, the rasi or moon sign, the lagna or ascendant and the nakshatra based koota/guna matching and also the Chinese sign.
You can know all your above 5 Astro-signs by clicking here
There are many marriage matching charts on the net. Most of them are faulty and misleading. Most of the koota / guna matchings done by the astrology softwares are also faulty. The following is the most reliable and accurate South Indian Dasa Koota table – Thanks to my astrology course student Venkataswamy.
Download our FREE Dasakoota matching software from > here
The following table gives you some of the factors involved in most reliable South Indian dasa Koota Matching.
The matching is always done from the girl’s Nakshatra to the boy’s Nakshatra. Check the girls Nakshatra vertically down and match it with the boys Nakshatra given along the same row. For example, if the girl’s Moon is in Aries and in the Nakshatra Krittika 1st quarter and the boy’s moon is in Libra and Chitra 3rd quarter, you note the star# of both, from list of Nakshatras.
A Guna matiching score of 18 is the minimum required for compatibility. The higher the score, the better it is. Please note that this Guna matching is not the only thing for astrological marriage matching. You need to get the horoscopes matched by an experienced astrologer.
The following are the Koota/Guna matching basics.
- There should be emotional understanding, physical attraction and compatibility of natures for a marriage to last.
- To ensure this the ancients used a matching system.
- In Hinduism Vivaha is one of the main ‘samskaras’, a rite marking the coming together of two people with the purpose of starting the most important householder life. According to our ancient tradition, the marriage of two people in our world is a symbolic representation of the union of Shiva and Shakti. It was considered the union of two souls.
- The wisdom of the ancient Indians was not limited to philosophic pondering. It was very practical and far sighted. Realising that the urge for union is very strong in youth, the parents used to get their children married early by finding a suitable match, taking into consideration Caste, Gotra, family lineage, social status, astrological matching etc.
- That is why the Hindu family system was a close knit one with strong ties and lasting affection.
- The mantras recited by the Vedic Pandits, the rituals like GauriPooja, MangalyaDharan, Saptapadi and the Shobhanam or consummation ceremony lend both sanctity and purity to the union of a man with a woman when they take vow to be together for life.
- For a marriage to be successful, the two should match at spiritual, emotional, mental, intellectual, attitudinal, physical, social and economical levels. The ancient astrologers have devised several basic matching principles to evaluate the matching of horoscopes so that it is a lasting marriage. They are:
- A) Koota Matching
- B) KujaDosha Matching
- C) Lagna Chart Matching
- D) AroodhaLagna Matching
- E) Navamamsa Matching
- F) Asthakavarga Matching
- A) Koota Matching – also called Guna Matching:
- The Koota matching is based on various compatibility parameters of the JanmaNakshatra or Birth Star of the bride and the groom. There are several systems of Koota matching. The most common are the South Indian DasaKoota matching & the North Indian AsthaKoota matching. In both the total points allotted are 36.
- DasaKoota matching system: In this system ten different matching parameters are taken into consideration as per the verse “DinamGanamchamahendram, StreeDeergamYonirevachaRashiRashyadhipatibowvashyam, RajjuVedhashchadhidasha” and based on how the boy and the girl match, points are allotted. The total points allotted are 36. It is never possible for any pair to score full 36 points. While all the things seldom agree the minimum requirement is fixed as 18 points i.e. at least 50% score. If the score is bellow 18 it is considered a bad match; 18 to 22 is considered a moderate match; 23 to 25 is considered a good match; 26 to 28 is considered very good and above 28 is rated excellent.
- However the Koota is just one of the tools of marriage matching. There are other considerations which must be taken in to account. If the 7th lords and 7th house are well placed, even a low score is not a problem. Similarly if there are severe afflictions to the 7th lord or 7th house, a high matching score cannot save the marriage.
South Indian Dasa Koota Points
- Dina 3
- Gana 4
- Yoni 4
- Rashi7
- Rasyadhipati 5
- Rajju 5
- Vedha 2
- Vashya 2
- Mahendra 2
- StreeDeergha 2
- Total 36
The following conditions and attributes of the 27 stars are important while matching.
- 1) Dinam (DinathAyushyamAarogyam) – 3 points
- The presence of Dina Koota agreement ensures that the husband and wife remain healthy and free from all sorts of diseases and will enjoy all comforts and a long lease of life.
- Count the Nakshatra of the boy from the girl and divide the number by nine. The remainder should be 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8.
- If Rohini, Ardhra, Maka, Visaka, Sravana, Hasta, Uttarashada, Revathi happens to be the same star for girl and boy they agree.
- In cases of Mrigasira, Aswani, Krithika, Punarvasu, Pushya, Uttara, Chitra, Uttarashada, Purvashada stars, if they are same they also agree but are given secondary choice. Others do not agree.
- If it is compatible points are 3, if not 0.
- 2) Ganam (SobhanamGanamEvacha) – 4 points
- This koota ensures compatible sex life. It is the matching of the human minds, nature and their temperaments. The 27 Nakshatras are grouped in to three Ganas – Deva or divine, Manusha or human and Rakshasa or demoniac DevaNakshatraNakshatras are by nature religious, satwik character and charitable nature. Manusha is a mixture of good and bad, while the RakshasaNakshatras represent dominance, selfishness and aggressive.
- There are some differences of opinion regarding this matching but the following is the most commonly agreed matching:
- If both are Deva or Manushya or RakshasaGana they agree. In this case the matching gets 4 points
- Secondary matching is Manushya with either Deva or Rakshasa. In this case the matching gets 2 points.
- Deva & Rakshasa, the two extremes, do not match and this gets 0 points.
- 3) Yoni ( Yonidho Dhampathy Sneham ) – 4 points
- The word Yoni indicates the private reproductive organ. So it is said that presence of Yoni Koota is a must to ensure sexual compatibility & mutual love between husband and wife – not size but nature. The 27 stars have certain animal forces associated with them vis-à-vis sexual attitude, capacity etc. The matching rules are as follows:
- Same animal & natural sexes – i.e. Dog with Dog where boy is M & Girl is F – 4 points.
- Same animal but with sexes reversed – i.e. Tiger with Tiger Boy F & Girl M – 3 points.
- Same animal but same sexes – i.e. Dog with Dog where boy & Girl both M or F, points 2
- Different animals but not enemies or hostile and natural sexes – i.e. Cow with Buffalo & Boy M & Girl F – 2
- Different animals but not enemies or hostile & sexes reversed or sexes same – i.e. Goat with Deer & Boy is F & Girl is M – 1 point
- Cow and tiger, elephant and lion, horse and buffalo, dog and deer, rat and cat, goat and monkey, snake and mongoose are declared enemies to each other. They don’t match & matching points are 0
- Other natural prey combinations like Tiger, Lion vs. Deer, Goat, Cow, Buffalo and Snake vs. Rat are also not good.
- Following are a few add on things one can check when the matching is borderline but no points alotted.
- The Yonis are also further classified as: (1) Bird, (2) Reptile, (3) Animal, and (4) Human.
- (1) Second half of Capricorn and Pisces belong to the bird Yoni.
- (2) Cancer and Scorpio are of reptile Yoni.
- (3) Aries, Taurus, Leo and first half of Capricorn are animal source.
- (4) Gemini, Virgo, Libra Sagittarius (first half) and Aquarius are of human origin.
- If the Yonis of the two are the same, it is very good. If one is animal and the other human, it is moderate.
- Human & Animal Yoni are not compatible with reptile or bird Yoni.
- This is a ready table for yoni matching.
- 4) Rasi ( RasinamVamsavridhiKuruth ) – 7 points
- This ensures the continuation of one’s family through the birth of children. Apart from that as ones Rasi plays an important role in ones mentality and attitude, this is a very important matching.
- There are a few differences in evaluating this but the following is the most commonly agreed method:
- If both the Rasis are 1, 5, 7, 9 from each other, the matching is very good and points given are 7
- If both Rasis are 3 or 11 from each other, the matching is good and 5 points are given.
- If both Rasis are 4 or 10 from each other, the matching is acceptable and 4 points are given.
- If both Rasis are 2-12 or 6-8 from each other, BUT if they are Mesha, Vrishabha, Tula, Vrischika combinations the matching is acceptable and the points given are 3.
- Other 2-12, 6-8 combinations are bad and points given are 0
- 5) Rasyadhipathy ( SanthanamRasiyadhipathy ) – 5 points
- This refers to the friendship between the lords of the Rasis of the girl and boy. This Koota also confers children. See the Rasi of the boy and girl, their lords should be friendly or neutral.
- See the relationship of the Girl’s Rasi lord (moon sign) with that of the Boy’s Rasi lord. Then see the relationship of the Boy’s Rasi lord with that of the Girl’s Rasi lord. It should be checked both ways because, for example, for Moon Mars is Neutral where as for Mars Moon is friend.
- If friends in both cases or same – 5 points.
- If friend in one case & Neutral in the other case – 4 points
- If Neutral in both cases – 3 points
- If Friend in one case & Enemy in the other case – 2 points
- If Enemy in one case & Neutral in the other case – 1 points
- If Enemies in both cases – 0 points
6) Rajju Mangalya Vristhysthyath. This ensures the girl living happily her husband and also ensures a long life to the husband.. The birth stars should fall in different Rajju groups. This gives 5 points. If in same group it is 0.
7)Vedha. Vedhashya Sohanashanam. This wards off evils and pitfalls. The birth stars of the girl and boy should not be Vedha stars. If so 2 points and if not 0.
8)Vashya. Vashyath anyonya vashyat.
his is an important koota suggesting the degree of magnetic control over each other. Moon sign of the bride and the bridegroom must fall in the same group to get the maximum of 2 points.
1. Chatushpada (quadruped) – Mesha, Vrisha, the second half of Dhanu, the first half of Makara.
2. Manava/Nara (biped) – Mithuna, Kanya, Tula, the first half of Dhanu, Kumbha.
3. Jalachara (Aquatic) – Karka, Meena, the second Half of Makara.
3. Vanachara (wild) – Simha (not included amongst the quadrupeds above)
4. Keeta (insect) – Vrishchika. (Karka has been included under Jalachara, vide supra).
All signs except Vrishchika are vashya for simha. Exept Simha, all signs are vashya for Manava. The Jalachara serves as food for Manava as does Chatushpada for vanachara, and these combinations are not favoured. The below table shows the points gained from vashya matching of the couple’s charts.
Gunas from matching of Vashya
Bride / Groom–> | Chatushpada | Manava | Jalachara | Vanachara | Keeta |
Chatushpada | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | 1 |
Manava | 1 | 2 | 1.5 | 0 | 1 |
Jalachara | 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Vanachara | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Keeta | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
Every zodiac sign has its own special characteristics, strengths and limitations. We all seems to experience higher compatibility levels with some and don’t get along that well with a some others. This compatibility is believed to come from the zodiac signs of the individuals. When the Vashya Koota is found to be compatible between the prospective bride and groom, it is believed to ensure a harmonious marriage. With Vashya Koota, the most compatible horoscopes score 2 points, whereas the least compatible ones score 0 points. When a score of 0 is arrived at, the match is said to be highly incompatible. There are some exceptions to the rules and in these instances, the horoscopes are not considered to be incompatible. Consulting a Vedic astrologer to match horoscopes ensures a correct assessment of the compatibility in the birth horoscopes of the prospective bride and groom. Harmonious and long lasting martial unions are often ensured by Vasya Koota in marriage match making.
Cancellation of Vashya Dosha
The 0 score of Vashya Koota can be ignored under the following conditions:
- If the Rashi lords are mutual friends.
- If the couple have the same Rashi lords.
- If the Rashi are mutual friends in the Navamsha
9) Mahendra. Mahendram putravristhishyat. Ensures good number of children and happiness. It is very auspicious for the couple if the bride’s nakshatra is the 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22 or 25th from the groom’s nakshatra. In this way it is unfavorable if the groom’s nakshatra is the 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26 or 27th from the bride’s nakshatra. If agrees 2 points and if not 0.
10) Stree deergham. Stree deergath sarva sampath. Ensures prosperity. Counting from that of the girl if the boys nakshatra is more that 13 then good . and given 2 points and if not 0.
Additional parameters
While the dasa koota matching is there as a principal guide, the various scriptures have given some additional parameters of judgment. These are also worth looking at – especially when the matching score is a borderline case. They are as follows:
Mangala/Kuja Dosha
One of the biggest misconceptions and fears in the Hindu society with respect to marriage is the presence of Mangala Dosha or Kuja Dosha in the chart of a boy or a girl. I have seen a countless number of good matches being rejected by people just because the boy or the girl has Mangala Dosha present in the chart.
Rishi Parashara, in his Brihat Parasara Horasastra, chapter 81, verse 47 said the following: “If Mars is placed in the Lagna, 12th, 4th, 7th and 8th houses, without any aspect or conjunction of the benefic planets, the husband of such a woman will certainly have an early death.” So it is clear that if Mars has the aspect or association of a benefic, there is no dosha. It must be noted that in the very next verse, verse 48, he gave the other important exception as follows: “The yoga in which a woman takes birth and becomes a widow, if a male takes birth, he also becomes a widower. If a woman with the widowhood yoga marries a man with similar yoga, such yoga will be cancelled.” So the 2nd exception given by him is that this feared dosha is cancelled if both the girl and the boy have mangal dosha.
However by and large the majority of the astrologers include the 2nd house also in the mangala dosha and accept the 6 houses. As there are 12 houses in a horoscope and as Mars in 6 houses causes Mangala Dosha, it simply means that 50% of the people born have Kuja Dosha of some level. Hence it goes without saying that this Mangala Dosha is not something which will ruin a person, because it is not the intention of God to condemn half of mankind.
The prevalent misconceptions are that, if a person has Martian affliction it will either ruin the marriage or will cause one’s death or the death of the partner. Especially if a girl has Kuja or Mangala Dosha, called “Mangali”, she is looked upon as a devil by the mother-in-law. Nothing can be farther than the truth. First let us examine what the Kuja Dosha is all about and how it affects marriage.
The planet Mars symbolizes courage, aggression, vitality, confidence, fighting spirit and warrior qualities. If Mars is placed in any of these 6 houses, it gives aggressive tendencies to either the person or the spouse. In certain cases if Mars is malefic to the native, it also gives danger to life, provided that other bad combinations are also present. These two are the main negative qualities. Hence the first reason for the “Dosha Complex” is that – in the olden days the ideal wife was regarded as one who is meek, obedient and submissive. Hence a girl with the so called Martian afflictions, who is likely to have courage and fighting spirit, was considered by our MCP society as a girl with “Dosha”. The second possible reason for the “Dosha Complex” is that during the war torn middle ages when a lot of the sastras were written, a “Martian person”, who is normally well built, courageous, aggressive and has fighting qualities, was a prime candidate to be recruited by the king for his army and hence the chances of his death or serious injury were quite strong. In the present changed circumstances it is foolishness of the highest order to be scared simply because one has
Mangal Dosha.
However, Mangala Dosha is not something that can be ignored. It does cause marital discord. Before marriage it is very essential to match horoscopes for Kuja Dosha. If a person has Kuja Dosha in the horoscope the spouse must also have Kuja Dosha. This way the Dosha is cancelled. Otherwise both should be without any Dosha. Various “authorities and experts” have given a lot of exceptions and cancellations for the Dosha. They are so many that almost everything is cancelled! The truth is that in majority of the cases the so called exceptions and cancellations do not work.
P.S.Iyer’s tips: In 1991 the late Sri P.S.Iyer, one of the acknowledged giants of Indian astrology and an authority on the marriage aspects, gave a discourse to several budding aspirants of astrology in Mr. K.N.Rao’s house and I was one of the fortunate ones to attend it. He was quite clear in stating that Mangala dosha is present in 6 houses. This Kuja Dosha or Mangala Dosha must be examined from the Moon, Venus and Saturn also. He even gave the details of the percentage of Mangala dosha in each house. In 8th house the dosha is full, in lagna 1/2, in 7th 1/4, in 4th 1/8 and in 12th and 2nd houses 1/16. As per the exceptions and cancellations, he was very specific about the following:
No dosha if mars is in its its own house or exaltation house. No dosha if aspected by a benefic.
If a strong benefic is placed in the 9th house then the dosha of Mars in the 7th and 8th is cancelled.
However he also advised that apart from the Mars, the planets Saturn, Sun and Rahu also cause similar dosha! From the point of view of causing dosha, if Mars causes 100% dosha, Saturn causes 75% dosha, Sun causes 50% dosha and rahu causes 25% dosha. These doshas must also be evaluated similarly!
As per the koota matching his advise was to give more importance to dina, gana, rasi, yoni and rajju and less to the others. So much so for the nadi dosha fear!
The matching of horoscopes and especially the extent of Mangala Dosha is the job of an experienced astrologer and must be done after carefully analyzing both the horoscopes.
Aries/Mesha Taurus/Vrishabha Gemini/Mithuna Cancer/Karka
Leo/Simha Virgo/Kanya Libra/Tula Scorpio/Vrischika
Sagittarius/Dhanu Capricorn/Makara Aquarius/Kumbha Pisces/Meena
Rasi Matching Sunsign Matching Guna Matching Chinese Matching