Father, Son, King, Prime Minister, President, Administrator, Chief Minister, Govt. Officers,
Politicians, Sole, God, Name & Fame, Brightness, Capital City, Power, Palace, Right Eye,
Right side, Right side Windows of the House,
Mother, Female, Mother-in-law, Wife, Artists, Hotel Business, Milk Booth, Fancy Articles,
Travels, Agriculture, Writing poetry’s, and Stories, Grocery shop, Medical shop, Breast,
Stomach, Urinary track, Left Eye, Left side window of the house, Both Room & Latrine,
Watery Places like Lake, Sea, Well, River. Mind, Displacement, change of place,
KumKum, Art, Liquid articles, Food articles, clouds, rain, thief, Adultery, News, Motion,
Light, Clandestine Activities, Astrology, Vedas, Medicine, Cloths.
Younger brother (2nd), Husband, Police, Defence force, Engineer, Sportsman, Union
Leader, Surgeon, Cultivation, Eye brow, Teeth, Blood, Cardiac region, Semen, Bone
morrow, Bridge of the nose, Bedroom, Oven, Energy Meter, Transformer, Electrical
Motors, Heaters, Stones, Pillars, beams, Earth, Hill, Mountain, Rocks, Mines, Metals,
Spears, Bullets, Enemy, Hard substance, Scissors, Triangular shape, Power, Needle,
Knife, Thorn, Arrow, Machinery, Weapons, Agriculture.
Maternal Uncle, Father-in-law, Younger Brother (3rd), Girl friend, Boy friend, Younger
Sister, Wife, Trade and Commerce, Book Selling and Publishing, Accountant, Auditor,
Poet, Writer, Comedian Actor, Astrology, Painter, Lawyer, Teacher, Professor, Lecturer,
Scientists, Research Engineer, Grocery shop, Hands, Neck, Shoulder, Skin, Forehead,
Tongue, Throat, Visitor Hall, Study Room, Plastering of the Walls (house) , Garden, Park,
Land, Education, Business, Beauty, Mud walls, Crops , Leaves, Information, Registration,
Speech, Eloquence, Knowledge, Activity, Thoughts, Tricks, Diplomacy, Cunningness,
soft things, soil,
Jeevakaraka (Self), Belly (intestinal portion), Nose, Fat , Thigh, Feet, Flush, God Room in
the house, Judge, Guide, Teacher, Presenter, Education Minister, Manager, Lawyer,
Accountant, Auditor, Vedas, Temples, Philosophy, Honey, God, Cow, Prestige, Honour,
Respect, Truth, Patience, Humility.
Sister, Wife, Daughter, Sister-in-law, Prostitute, Semen, Uterus, Ovaries, Cheek, Heart,
Kitchen, Music, Dance, Acting , Fancy Stores, Finance, Bank, Singing, Jewelry shop,
Money Lending, Wine shop, Cattle field, Cloth merchant, Love, Poetry, Flower, Sex,
Marriage, House, Pleasure, Vehicles, Luxury, Scent, Wealth, Enchanting, Charmingness,
Sweet, intoxicants, Handsome, Beauty, Secret matters, Dancing Hall, Cinema Theatre,
Elder Brother, Servitude, Low paid servant, Profession, Carrier, Job, Chin, Feet,
Buttocks, Anus, Knees, Foreleg, Digestive bladder, Store Room in the house, Dining Hall,
Road, Windy Diseases, Woollen cloths, Iron, Lead, Whirling Wind, Storm, Brick lawyers,
Gambling, Oil Mines.
Paternal Grand-Father, Foreign travels, Electronics, Avionics, Actor, Photography, CBI
Officer, Defence, Smuggling, Thief, Mouth, Head, Ear, Lips, Intestine, Rectum,
Testicles, Main Entrance, Old house, Dilapidated wall, Crack in the wall, Dark room, Big
hall, Tower, Egg shape, Desolate region, Wide road, Round circle, Round shape,
darkness, vastness, hallucination, Illusion, shade, umbrella, wheel shape, circumference
of wheel, Play ground, big size, open terrace, top spread of trees, dried wood, rubber,
plastic, dried leather, godown, coffee seed, rope, lord of serpents, corruption, accidents,
gastric troubles, mouth of snake.
Maternal grand father, hair, genitals, nerves, Anus, Beard, Staircase, chimney, Back
entrance, narrow lane (or) room, Bathroom, Astrology, Religion, Occultism, temple, law,
thread, wine, obstruction, clandestine activity, salvation, mudpot, saffron cloth, Brahma,
choultry, hospitals, prayer halls, root of trees, tail of snake, rope, chain, web or net, gutter,
dried grass, herbs, trunk of elephant, banyan tree, writing, flag, secrecy, dispute,
litigation, obstacle.
SURYA: Pious, Reliable, Philanthropic, Respectable, Able Administrator, Kind and
generous, Popular
CHANDRA: Capricious, Deceptive, Artistic, Imaginative, Charitable, Likes Changes
and Travel, Calm, Adulterous.
KUJA: Egoistic, Courageous, Hasty, Stubborn, Arrogant, Aggressive, Emotional,
Dominating, Selfish, Spendthrift, Quarrelsome, Fool, falls for Flattery,
Valorous, Anger, Quick, Adamant, Retaliating, Cut and dry, Hard hearted.
BUDHA: Intelligent, Friendly, Witty and Humorous, Romantic in Nature, Cunning,
Diplomatic, Calculative, Soft spoken, Discreminative, Explorative,
Adaptable, Opportunities.
GURU: Religious, Noble, Respectable, Honourable, Independent, and Dutiful.
SUKRA: Sexy, Addicted to drinks, fond of tasty Foods, Fond of Luxury, Artistic,
SANI Lazy, Stubborn
RAHU: Thief, Courageous, Adventurous, Executive
KETU: Miser, Philosopher, Fault finding in nature, Religious, Recluse, Fakir.
SURYA Government service, politics, Chief Minister, Prime Minister, President,
Fathers Profession, Gold and Diamond Merchants, Electronics, Surgeon,
Social service, IAS officers, selling RUBY stones.
CHANDRA: Diary business, medical shop, Hotel, Milk booth, shipping, Agriculture,
Food Products, Animal feeds, Water Board Sewage department, wine
shop, astrology, story writer, priest, pearl merchant, salt merchant, dry
cleaning, selling water and fruit juices, vegetable shop, grocery shop,
edible oil merchant.
KUJA: Police, Military, Fire service, sports, fire, Iron Industry, Engineering
industry, Mining, Fire kiln, potter, brick kiln, surgeon, metals and minerals,
antiquities arms industry, Instrument manufacturing, stone breaking,
granite industries, agriculture.
BUDHA: Teacher, writer, accountant, Astrologer. Auditor, lawyer, editor, publisher,
commission agent, stationery merchant, mathematics, judge, postal and
telegraph, printing press, telephone department, journalism, lecturer,
professor, councilor, ambassador, CBI department, legal adviser,
GURU: Judge, Priest, Lawyer, Education Minister, Bank Manager. Teacher,
Finance Department, Temple worker, Yogasana Teacher, Religious
teacher, LIC department.
SUKRA: Beauty Parlor, Saloon, Cloth Merchant, Luxury Goods, Scented materials,
Handicrafts, Five-star hotels, gold ornaments, musician, dancer, drama,
story writing, poetry, acting, furniture shop, musical instruments, tourism
department, Bar and restaurants, vehicle factory, wine shop, painting,
sculpture, makeup job, beauty context, fruit selling, fruit juice parlor,
money lending, financial organizations, bank commission agent, LIC
department, Finance Minister, Accountant, Auditor, selling gift articles,
showcase items, flower merchants, marriage hall, cinema theatre,
RAHU: Chemical Industry, Electronic Industry, Leprosy department, snake
charming, CBI department, Secret organization, defence department,
foreign trade, cigarette factory, wine manufacture, bomb manufacture,
pesticide and poisonous chemical manufacture, prison, witch craft,
smuggling, robbery, vehicle drivers, acting, slavery, cheating, pickpocketing,
chain snatching, corruption, selling and old articles, prostitution,
all underground work.
KETU: Doctor, Astrologer, priest, Lawyer, Tailor, Coir Manufacture, Cable
manufacture, weavers, handloom, power loom industries, spinning mills,
religious teachers, faith healing, pranic healing.